Army Patriot Operator and System Mechanic



Job Detail

Supervises, operates, or performs unit maintenance on PATRIOT air defense missile system.

Serves as platoon sergeant of PATRIOT battery maintenance platoon or intermediate level maintenance platoon of PATRIOT Field Army Support Center (PFASC); serves as PATRIOT System Evaluator; provides technical expertise to the battalion staff and firing batteries; serves as maintenance chief in a PFASC and forward support elements; applies knowledge of capabilities and limitations of the weapon, command and control system and radar system; assists in planning, organization, and training operations.

Operates and maintains Information and Coordination Control (ICC) and Engagement Control Station Installs (ECS); supervises operation of ECS or PATRIOT system maintenance section.

Assist in appraisal of ADA operations, training, and intelligence data; supervise activities in AADCP; this includes testing of communications facilities, and preparation of operations, tactical action, early warning, and status boards, situation maps, journals, and logs; supervise and assist in designing ADA defenses; assist in preparation, coordinate, and supervise emplacement and march order operations; interpret and supervise execution of battery policy and SOP; assist in planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities that support the battery mission; perform principal noncommissioned officer duties associated with SQI M; assist in establishment and operation of AADCP and employment of ADA in surface role; applies knowledge of capabilities and limitations of ADA weapons, command and control systems, and radar systems; conducts and evaluates AADCP crew training; collects, interprets, evaluates, and disseminates intelligence information and data; prepares and edits ADA operations, training; intelligence; and equipment status material; provides advice and makes, recommendations to the commander aid staff on all matters pertain to enlisted personnel and their families; accompanies the commander on inspections and visits and at ceremonies; assists in inspection of command activities facilities aid personnel as prescribed by the commander; holds First Sergeants' or Sergeants' Major call to announce information and instructions; insures that newly assigned enlisted personnel are instructed in military courtesy, customs, of the service, and command regulations or policies; provides counsel and guidance to NCOs and other enlisted personnel of the command; inspects duties performed by subordinate NCOs; notes discrepancies and initiates appropriate corrective action; assists in reception of visitors to the command; sits as president or, member of command promotion board for NCOs, as authorized by regulations; performs other duties prescribed by, the commander.

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