Commands Support Group. Directs and monitors support activities and units. Ensures cohesive integration of functions and resources in force protection; civil engineering (CE); communications - computer; morale, welfare, recreation, and services (MWRS); public affairs; personnel; information management; and manpower to support installation, Wing, and mission needs.
Directs support units. Determines requirements of assigned units by analyzing mission and interpreting directives, orders, and regulations. Formulates plans and establishes policies and procedures for activities such as personnel, administration, training, facility use, recreational services, open mess operations, engineering and construction, food services, billeting supply, small arms firing, youth programs, force protection, and communications. Directs implementation of programs for activities such as flying safety, reserve training, disaster preparedness, force protection, sanitation, utility service, crash rescue, fire protection, proficiency flying, host-tenant agreement, labor negotiations, and equal employment opportunity. Directs studies and surveys to determine perceptions of personnel, and implements plans to resolve problems and eliminate conditions contributing to low morale. Ensures availability of religious, legal education, photo, graphics, and audiovisual services. Selects and assigns commanders of specialized squadrons such as security forces, combat support and civil engineering. Convenes summary courts and approves special courts-martial and discharge actions for all installation personnel. Monitors support activities. Reviews inspection reports to determine status of activities such as military and civilian personnel, labor relations, and materiel. Inspects assigned units and organizations, including base exchange outlets and commissaries, to ensure compliance with directives and procedures. Inspects and evaluates program effectiveness for housing, welfare, education, force protection, weapons storage, and dormitories. Coordinates support activities. Conduct staff meetings and converses and appoints boards, councils, and committees to assist in managing assigned activities. Ensures effective interface of assigned units with those of other functional areas to optimize support and accomplish primary mission. Coordinates with civic organizations to develop an effective community relations program.