Manages overall military and civilian administrative functions of an Army Legal Office.
Manages overall military and civilian administrative functions of an Army Legal Office; directs Office of the Staff Judge Advocate Information Management functions such as correspondence, telecommunications, records management, automation, reprographics, micrographics, forms, printing and publications and visual aids; directs training of personnel in operation of computers, peripherals, and all off-line equipment; analyzes legal operations to determine where automated systems will enhance legal services; reviews internal automated legal research utilization reports; is Chief Paralegal Administrator for Administrative Law, Claims, Criminal Law, Legal Assistance, International Law (where applicable), and administrative support services of either a Staff Judge Advocate office of a headquarters having general court-martial jurisdiction, or Staff Judge Advocate of a major command; evaluates management data to determine how to maximize existing legal support, resources, improve effectiveness and efficiency of operations, management, and training; develops and prepares reports pertaining to manpower staffing and utilization programs, manpower survey documents, and organization studies for legal services systems; develops fiscal requirements, executes program budget guidance, authenticates funding obligations, and monitors all such requirements; implements Army Law Library service policies, procedures, and systems; authenticates legal and administrative documents; reviews and develops technical correspondence and reports; provides procedural instruction and guidance to or advises legal officers, commanders and staff, and senior legal noncommissioned officers in comprehensive legal technical areas; ensures technical procedures are complied with in preparation of legal and administrative documents; performs legal research, drafts documents, memoranda, and administrative opinions; coordinates legal ADP communication in a tactical environment.
Performs duties described in preceding skill levels; responsible for MOS proponency and career management functions.
Performs duties described in preceding skill levels; provides guidance and technical assistance to subordinate legal elements and/or other staff elements.