Army Terrain Intelligence Analyst



Job Detail

Compiles and disseminates terrain intelligence for use in construction, mapping and other operations.

Must be able to perform the duties of Cartographic Specialist (81C40); plans, coordinates and supervises activities pertaining to organization, training, and tactical and technical operations of unit to which assigned; advises command and staff officers on cartographic operations; serves as First Sergeant of a company; interprets and supervises execution of company policy and SOP; assists in planning, coordinating and supervising all activities that support the company mission; advises company commander on all matters concerning enlisted personnel, to include assignments, reassignments, transfers, promotions, granting of passes and leave, punishments, welfare, privileges, and awards; directs and coordinates company administration; forms unit for drill, ceremonies, and other military formations; receives report of personnel present and absent, and reports number of unauthorized absences; holds NCO call to disseminate instructions and information to subordinate enlisted supervisors; coordinates operation of company food service and supply activities; assists company commander in accomplishing unit training; assists in inspection of organizational activities as prescribed by commander, observes discrepancies, and initiates appropriate corrective action; provides advice and makes, recommendations to the commander aid staff on all matters pertain to enlisted personnel and their families; accompanies the commander on inspections and visits and at ceremonies; assists in inspection of command activities facilities aid personnel as prescribed by the commander; holds First Sergeants' or Sergeants' Major call to announce information and instructions; insures that newly assigned enlisted personnel are instructed in military courtesy, customs, of the service, and command regulations or policies; provides counsel and guidance to NCOs and other enlisted personnel of the command; inspects duties performed by subordinate NCOs; notes discrepancies and initiates appropriate corrective action; assists in reception of visitors to the command; sits as president or, member of command promotion board for NCOs, as authorized by regulations; performs other duties prescribed by, the commander.

Must be able to perform the duties of Cartographic Specialist (81C20 or 81C30); supervises cartographic drafting, map compiling or model making activities; determines priority of work; supervises final inspection and editing of military maps; edits map and color separation drawings to determine con- formation to specifications; applies principles of cartographic quality control; collects, prepares and distributes material and data on cartographic operations and training; must be able to perform the duties of Cartographic Specialist (81C40); plans, coordinates and supervises activities pertaining to organization, training, and tactical and technical operations of unit to which assigned; advises command and staff officers on cartographic operations; serves as First Sergeant of a company; interprets and supervises execution of company policy and SOP; assists in planning, coordinating and supervising all activities that support the company mission; advises company commander on all matters concerning enlisted personnel, to include assignments, reassignments, transfers, promotions, granting of passes and leave, punishments, welfare, privileges, and awards; directs and coordinates company administration; forms unit for drill, ceremonies, and other military formations; receives report of personnel present and absent, and reports number of unauthorized absences; holds NCO call to disseminate instructions and information to subordinate enlisted supervisors; coordinates operation of company food service and supply activities; assists company commander in accomplishing unit training; assists in inspection of organizational activities as prescribed by commander, observes discrepancies, and initiates appropriate corrective action.

Compiles and disseminates terrain intelligence information; examines source materials and compiles terrain intelligence on such topics as condition of travel routes over land and beaches, port facilities, and sources of water, sand, gravel, rock and timber; assists engineer staff officer in collecting, analyzing, integrating, and disseminating engineer and terrain intelligence information; interprets reconnaissance reports, to include identification and classification of fords, roads, bridges, and other structures; studies and estimates relative importance, reliability, and engineering implication of intelligence information; coordinates and participates in preparation of consolidated reports, map overlays, aerial photographs, and technical and special types of intelligence information; keeps records and files of completed studies; compiles and revises planimetric and topographic maps; plots projection lines and military grid lines on map control sheet; plots detail on map compilation sheet to fit control network; compiles topographic maps with monocular or stereoscopic plotting instruments; compiles contour lines, culture and hydrography by stereoscopic plotting methods; sets up multiplex tables, frames, colling units, and projectors; operates and maintains stereo plotting equipment; inspects and edits completed maps prior to reproduction.

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