Navy RL - Nuclear Power School Instructor


1217 MOS

Job Detail

Nuclear Power Instructors are responsible for training future Nuclear Propulsion Officers and Nuclear Field Enlisted Personnel in mathematics and physics, electrical engineering, heat transfer and fluid flow, chemistry, radiological controls, and reactor plant engineering at the Naval Nuclear Power Training Command in Charleston, South Carolina. An officer of the Naval Reserve on active duty in the FTS Program (Full Time Support) [Includes officers of the FTS Program rotated to other than FTS billets].

Same as Junior Duties

Same as Junior Duties

Provide detailed knowledge of how to work the key aspects of a pressurized-water Navy nuclear power plant, which include Reactor core nuclear principles; heat transfer and fluid systems; Plant chemistry and materials and mechanical and electrical systems.

MOS with Similar Name
  • MOS 1210 RL - Nuclear Power School Instructor
  • MOS 1213 RL - Nuclear Power School Instructor
  • MOS 1215 RL - Nuclear Power School Instructor
  • MOS 1217 RL - Nuclear Power School Instructor
  • MOS 1220 RL - Naval Reactors Engineer
  • MOS 1223 RL - Naval Reactors Engineer
  • MOS 1225 RL - Naval Reactors Engineer
  • MOS 1227 RL - Naval Reactors Engineer
  • MOS 1320 URL - Naval Flight Officer
  • MOS 1323 URL - Naval Flight Officer
MOS with Similar Code
  • MOS 0121 Personnel Clerk
  • MOS 1210 RL - Nuclear Power School Instructor
  • MOS 1213 RL - Nuclear Power School Instructor
  • MOS 1215 RL - Nuclear Power School Instructor
  • MOS 1217 RL - Nuclear Power School Instructor
  • MOS 7121 CWO - Operations Technician