Performs direct, general and depot support maintenance on tactical microwave equipment.
Supervises installation and maintenance of tactical microwave communications radio systems and multiplex equipment; takes corrective action to eliminate faulty maintenance procedures; ensures liaison is maintained between operations and maintenance personnel; coordinates installation of new or replacement equipment; supervises on-the-job training and cross training programs; prepares radio frequency profile charts in accordance with applicable Army publications; supervises the performance of direct support, general support and depot level maintenance, calibration, and installation of communications-electronic equipment; advises maintenance officer or unit commander on maintenance activities; assists command and staff in continuous appraisal of communications-electronic equipment maintenance, calibration, and installation, operations, and training; provides guidance to subordinate personnel; applies policies and procedures for facility/unit/station management; supervise the duties performed by subordinate personnel engaged in installation/maintenance; determines effectiveness of performance to meet workload demands.
Supervises the performance of direct support, general support and depot level maintenance, calibration, and installation of communications-electronic equipment; advises maintenance officer or unit commander on maintenance activities; assists command and staff in continuous appraisal of communications-electronic equipment maintenance, calibration, and installation, operations, and training; provides guidance to subordinate personnel; applies policies and procedures for facility/unit/station management.; supervise the duties performed by subordinate personnel engaged in installation/maintenance; determines effectiveness of performance to meet workload demands; provides advice and makes, recommendations to the commander aid staff on all matters pertain to enlisted personnel and their families; accompanies the commander on inspections and visits and at ceremonies; assists in inspection of command activities facilities aid personnel as prescribed by the commander; holds first sergeants' or sergeants' major call to announce information and instructions; insures that newly assigned enlisted personnel are instructed in military courtesy, customs, of the service, and command regulations or policies; provides counsel and guidance to NCOs and other enlisted personnel of the command; inspects duties performed by subordinate NCOs; notes discrepancies and initiates appropriate corrective action; assists in reception of visitors to the command; sits as president or, member of command promotion board for NCOs, as authorized by regulations; performs other duties prescribed by, the commander.
Performs support and depot level maintenance on tactical microwave and multichannel communications systems radio and multiplex equipment; performs periodic and emergency repairs on equipment to maintain operating efficiency of the systems; tests equipment components, inspects parts, checks mechanical and electrical action of components, and observes meter and instrument readings to localize malfunction; determines causes for break down and extent of required repair or replacement parts; determines efficiency of circuits; replaces and repairs components, substitutes components, and fabricates simple parts not requiring precision tooling; cleans components of dirt, rust, and fungus; keeps tools and test equipment in operating condition; employs common and specialized hand tools, testing devices and measuring instruments; interprets schematic, complex specifications, and cable diagrams; prepares and keeps records for prescribed load lists; performs adjustments to maintain prescribed parameters for voice frequency, data transmission and baseband levels; aligns, adjusts removes and replaces klystrons magnetrons and traveling wave tubes; establishes and posts logs and equipment forms; performs support and depot level maintenance on tactical microwave and communications systems radio multiplex equipment; requisitions repair and replacement parts and maintains Authorized Stockage Lists, Prescribed Load Lists, and Repair Parts election and Tool List; supervises the installation and maintenance of tactical microwave communications radio systems and multiplex equipment; performs duties indicated in preceding levels of skill and provides technical guidance to lower grade personnel in accomplishment of these duties; coordinates and establishes liaison with supported and supporting activities; coordinates maintenance problems and hazardous conditions with appropriate controlling authority in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures; assists in preparation of radio system profile charts, logistic support plans and maintenance support plans.