Army Card and Tape Writer



Job Detail

Supervises or converts hard copy records to an automated format for data processing operations.

Must be able to perform the duties of Clerk-Typist (71B1O); operates key-punch and verified to prepare of change tabulating cards of to check completed work of other keypunch operators; operates magnetic or paper tape writer to put instructions and data in tape form; operates automatic typewriter to capture data on paper tape for input into data processing system; verified accuracy of prepared cards and tape; examines previously coded source material or instruction sheet to determine information to be transcribed; insures that material is sorted by type of card of sequence by code on tape; consults draft of data for special instructions as to spacing and format; prepares cardpunch by turning on switches, preparing program cards for each type document to be punched, and making trial card to determine if machine is functioning properly; inserts cards into feeder; punches coded information on card in proper column using both alphabetical and numerical sections of keyboard; verified completed cards; reads punches on top card in stock to be verified and checks card against source documents used for original punch operation; prepares tape or paper punch by placing spool of tape on spindle and threading; inserts paper in roller for printed copy; installs tabular stoop and sets spacebar; records data in binary code on magnetic or paper tape by striking keys on keyboard; compares type copy with draft and corrects errors; verified tape by retyping draft and inserting correct information if writer stops; rewinds, labels, and submits tape to library.

Must be able to perform the duties of Card and Type Writer (71U2O); supervises conversion of data to an automated format for data processing operations; plans, organizes, and coordinates card and tape writer activities; trains and spot-checks work of subordinate personnel; makes work assignments and keeps workload records; initiates action to correct errors or changes in operating procedures; requisitions, stores, and issues supplies and equipment; render reports on card and tape writer activities; must be able to perform the duties at grade E-7 in any one of the MOS in CMF 74; serves as principal NCO in data processing activity; supervises systems analysis, programming, machine operations, and related activities; plans, organizes, and conducts technical inspections; prepares reports and recommendations for improved methods and procedures; supervises preparation of studies, reports and records relating to systems analysis, programming, machine operations, and other data processing fields; coordinates and integrates operation of electrical input and output equipment with operation of electronic equipment; prepares operating schedule; controls workflow, assigns projects, establishes priorities and maintains follow up; instructs in procedures and in unusual and complex cases; establishes production controls and standards; determines personnel, equipment, and supplies required; provides liaison with activities supported or supporting data processing systems activities; prepares instructions and interprets data processing reports and programs.

Must be able to perform the duties at grade E-7 in any one of the MOS in CMF 74; serves as principal NCO in data processing activity; supervises systems analysis, programming, machine operations, and related activities; plans, organizes, and conducts technical inspections; prepares reports and recommendations for improved methods and procedures; supervises preparation of studies, reports and records relating to systems analysis, programming, machine operations, and other data processing fields; coordinates and integrates operation of electrical input and output equipment with operation of electronic equipment; prepares operating schedule; controls workflow, assigns projects, establishes priorities and maintains follow up; instructs in procedures and in unusual and complex cases; establishes production controls and standards; determines personnel, equipment, and supplies required; provides liaison with activities supported or supporting data processing systems activities; prepares instructions and interprets data processing reports and programs; provides advice and makes, recommendations to the commander aid staff on all matters pertain to enlisted personnel and their families; accompanies the commander on inspections and visits and at ceremonies; assists in inspection of command activities facilities aid personnel as prescribed by the commander; holds first sergeants' or sergeants' major call to announce information and instructions; insures that newly assigned enlisted personnel are instructed in military courtesy, customs, of the service, and command regulations or policies; provides counsel and guidance to NCOs and other enlisted personnel of the command; inspects duties performed by subordinate NCOs; notes discrepancies and initiates appropriate corrective action; assists in reception of visitors to the command; sits as president or, member of command promotion board for NCOs, as authorized by regulations; performs other duties prescribed by, the commander.

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