Army Armor Reconnaissance Specialist



Job Detail

Serves as member of scout squad or section, intelligence staff section, or armor surveillance radar section.

Must be qualified as Armor Intelligence Specialist (11D40) or Armor Crewman (11E40); must be able to supervise operation of armor intelligence staff functions at battalion, group, combat command, and comparable level headquarters; must be able to supervise and instruct subordinate personnel assigned to such activities; must know intelligence procedures to include collection, interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and dissemination of intelligence information and data; must know organization, mission, and function of military intelligence units providing intelligence and counterintelligence information to command; must know fundamentals of photo-interpretation; must know air-ground operations and procedures; must know tactical mission, responsibilities, and operations of company to which assigned; must know techniques and tactics pertaining to unit defense; must be able to interpret and supervise execution of unit commander's policy and unit standing operating procedures; must know operation of unit command post; must know unit mission; must know basic military subjects including drill and parade formations, field sanitation, operations and administration of field mess and supply, selection of bivouac areas and use of unit weapons; must know preparation of unit correspondence orders, schedules, duty rosters, and similar reports; must be able to prepare intelligence directives, reports, and records; must possess high degree of leadership ability by demonstrating initiative, vigor, aggressiveness, courage, willpower, decisiveness, self-confidence, skill in leading men and directing group activities to common goal; must demonstrate qualities which indicate strong sense of devotion to duty; must know Army chain of command and lines of communications; must know publications and directives, and format of Army correspondence; must know Army administrative and supply procedures; must know organization and operation of administrative message centers; must be able to plan, coordinate, and supervise activities pertaining to organization, training, tactical and technical operations of these units and subordinate elements; must be able to understand and utilize tables of organization and equipment, and tables of distribution; must have demonstrated maturity and ability to attain respect of both officers and enlisted men in the command to degree that will distinguish first soldier.

Must be qualified as Armor Intelligence Specialist (11D20); must be able to command and control scout squad, section or platoon in mounted and dismounted combat and reconnaissance patrols or surveillance radar section, or platoon in support of armor unit intelligence activity; must know tactical employment of these scout or surveillance radar units in reconnaissance, security, and economy of force operations; must know techniques of route and bridge reconnaissance, route marking, and traffic control; must know armor communications operation and procedures; must be able to evaluate accuracy, scope, and usefulness of intelligence information; must be able to conduct technical and tactical training of scout or surveillance radar units; must be able to supervise first echelon maintenance of unit vehicles, weapons, and equipment; must demonstrate qualities of initiative and resourcefulness; must know organization, mission, and tactical employment of tanks, tank-infantry, and fundamentals of armor operations; must know administration, maintenance, and resupply; must know types and use of equipment authorized in armor staff sections; must know armor intelligence staff operations and procedures; must be able to coordinate and control employment of attached or supporting units; must be able to assist in preparation of intelligence records, reports, and files; must be qualified as Armor Intelligence Specialist (11D40) or Armor Crewman (11E40); must be able to supervise operation of armor intelligence staff functions at battalion, group, combat command, and comparable level headquarters; must be able to supervise and instruct subordinate personnel assigned to such activities; must know intelligence procedures to include collection, interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and dissemination of intelligence information and data; must know organization, mission, and function of military intelligence units providing intelligence and counterintelligence information to command; must know fundamentals of photo interpretation; must know air-ground operations and procedures; must know tactical mission, responsibilities, and operations of company to which assigned; must know techniques and tactics pertaining to unit defense; must be able to interpret and supervise execution of unit commander's policy and unit standing operating procedures; must know operation of unit command post; must know unit mission; must know basic military subjects including drill and parade formations, field sanitation, operations and administration of field mess and supply, selection of bivouac areas and use of unit weapons; must know preparation of unit correspondence orders, schedules, duty rosters, and similar reports; must be able to prepare intelligence directives, reports, and records; must possess high degree of leadership ability by demonstrating initiative, vigor, aggressiveness, courage, willpower, decisiveness, self-confidence, skill in leading men and directing group activities to common goal; must demonstrate qualities which indicate strong sense of devotion to duty; must know Army chain of command and lines of communications; must know publications and directives, and format of Army correspondence; must know Army administrative and supply procedures; must know organization and operation of administrative message centers; must be able to plan, coordinate, and supervise activities pertaining to organization, training, tactical and technical operations of these units and subordinate elements; must be able to understand and utilize tables of organization and equipment, and tables of distribution; must have demonstrated maturity and ability to attain respect of both officers and enlisted men in the command to degree that will distinguish first soldier.

Must know principles and techniques of scout employment in armor, armored infantry, reconnaissance, security, and economy of force operations; must know use of maps, photographs, and compass; must know scouting and patrolling; must know visual signals used in armor operations; must know principles of field sanitation; must know individual protective measures and safety precautions applicable to armor operations; must know general procedures for requesting and adjusting mortar and artillery fire; must be able to employ and maintain individual, crew served, and vehicular mounted weapons organic to scout units, and deliver effective fire under all conditions; must be able to operate and perform first echelon maintenance on communications equipment organic to scout units; must be able to employ proper radio telephone procedure and terminology, security measures, and defense against electronic jamming; must be able to assist in performing maintenance of light wheeled vehicles; must be able to identify enemy personnel, weapons, and equipment; must be able to report combat information; must be able to construct field fortifications utilizing principles of camouflage, cover, and concealment; must be able, under supervision, to employ demolitions and to lay and remove mines; must be able to administer first aid; must be qualified as Armor Intelligence Specialist (11D10); must know capabilities and limitations of scout vehicles to enable proper selection of routes, assembly, and bivouac areas, and attack and firing positions; must know mounted combat formations and techniques of armor marches; must know preparation and use of night firing aids; must know preparation of field messages; must know fundamentals of air-ground operations, combat intelligence principles, and enemy order of battle; must know techniques and procedures utilized in armor special staff sections; must know organization of armor units; must know military signs and symbols; must know sources of intelligence information; must know procedures for handling prisoners of war, captured documents, and materiel; must be proficient in driving scout vehicles in all types of tactical operations under all conditions; must be able to operate and perform operator's maintenance of medium or short range surveillance radar equipment used in armor units; must be able to establish and maintain liaison with combat units; must be able to write reconnaissance reports; must be able to prepare and maintain situation maps and overlays; must be able to maintain intelligence records and files; must be able to operate communication equipment used by staff section.

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MOS with Similar Code
  • MOS 11D Armor Reconnaissance Specialist