Army Field Artillery Targeting Technician

Warrant Officer

131A MOS

Job Detail

Supervises maintenance of field artillery radar system equipment and components.

Plans, organizes, implements, monitors, and evaluates operations, threat environment, unit maintenance, and intermediate level support maintenance of field artillery radar systems; provides advice on technical and tactical employment of field artillery radar systems; supervises maintenance of field artillery radar system equipment and components; interprets and implements changes in technical data concerning inspection, repair, and test procedures; instructs personnel on radar operations, tactical employment, and repair procedures; performs reconnaissance and selection of site for emplacement of the radar; assists the S2 and the brigade FSO by performing target value analysis duties; assists in formulating attack guidance used in the brigade and Direct Support (DS) battalion Command Post (CP) and recommend changes to attack guidance; advise the brigade S2 regarding specific requirements for target location accuracy and the duration that targets may be considered viable for attack; assists in producing target selection standards for the brigade.

Performs duties described in preceding skill levels; evaluates the technical and tactical operations of field artillery radar sections; recommends target purging criteria to the S3 at Field Artillery Brigade and Division Artillery level; monitors the processing of target requests and reviews target damage assessment at Field Artillery Brigade and Division Artillery level; recommends the employment and directs the operation of available TA assets at FA brigade and division artillery level; monitors the development of the enemy artillery order of battle (OB) and the processing of target information and intelligence generated by the OB section at Field Artillery Brigade and Division Artillery level; assist in production and application of target selection standards at Field Artillery Brigade or Division Artillery level; requests targeting information from military intelligence and higher sources and evaluates information obtained through the IPB process at Field Artillery Brigade or Division Artillery level; select and expedite critical target information to the fire support systems; plans, organizes, implements, and monitors the operation of the schools radar maintenance section; supervises the Targeting Element of the Division Artillery Tactical Operations Center; recommends target purging criteria to the G3 at Division and Corps Artillery level; monitors the processing of target requests and reviews target damage assessment at Division and Corps Artillery level; recommends the employment and directs the operation of available Theater Army assets at Division and Corps Artillery level; monitors the development of the enemy artillery OB and the processing of target information and intelligence generated by the OB section at Division and Corps Artillery level; assists in production and application of target selection standards at Division and Corps Artillery level; requests targeting information from military intelligence and higher sources and evaluates information obtained through the Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) process at Division and Corps Artillery level.

Performs duties described in preceding skill levels; advises the Corps Artillery Command on all matters pertaining to targeting and employment of all target acquisition assets; advises the Commandant and Assistant Commandant at the Field Artillery School on all matters pertaining to targeting, field artillery radar systems, and worldwide field artillery warrant officer personnel status; monitors threat situation, keeps deputy Fire Support Coordinator (FSCOORD) informed, and recommends changes to priorities and attack means at Corps level; coordinates between the Corps Tactical Operations Center Support Element (CTOCSE) and the Tactical Control and Analysis Element (TCAE) to ensure potential targets are recognized and passed expeditiously to the fire support cell; provides detailed information regarding accuracy requirements and how old information can be before it is no longer of use to the fire support system; ensures attack managers understand how important identification of the target is and when such identification is critical to the targeting effort; analyzes and recommends changes to commanders targeting and attack guidance and coordinates target acquisition assets for the Corps.

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