Army Fire Support Specialist



Job Detail

Supervises, or serves in intelligence activities including target processing in Fires Brigades, FA cannon battalions, artillery and maneuver brigades and Corps headquarters in and fire support elements.

FA senior sergeant leads in the fire support, operations/intelligence, and target acquisition activities in a field artillery battalion, brigade, division artillery, or corps artillery; other major duties are leading soldiers performing duties in field artillery MOS performs principal duties for SQI "M"; leads soldiers performing duties in field artillery MOS; leads and supervises the operation of the unit command post in accordance with directives; leads, supervises, and participates in coordination and implementation of cannon, missile, rocket, or target acquisition operations, training programs, administrative matters, and communication activities, providing tactical and technical guidance to subordinates, and professional support to lower and higher grade Soldiers in the accomplishment of their duties; monitors, inspects, and evaluates FA training programs; leads and supervises the preparation and distribution of maps, operational information, operational reports and training materials; supervise the maintenance of staff journals, files, records, and training materials; serves as the principal NCO of FA battalion, brigade, division artillery, or Corps artillery operations activity and supervises the processing operations and intelligence information; prepare operational SOPs; supervises and maintains classified files, records, processing of individual security clearances; leads, supervises, and participates in identifying and indicating location, strength, tactical deployment, and emplacement of enemy units; provides advice and makes recommendations to the commander and staff on all matters pertaining to enlisted soldiers and their families; accompanies the commander on inspections, visits and ceremonies; assists in inspection of command activities, facilities and personnel as prescribed by the commander; ensures adherence to command policies; holds First Sergeants' or Sergeants' Major call to announce information and instruction; ensures that newly assigned enlisted personnel are instructed in military courtesy, customs of the service and command regulations or policies; responsible for monitoring training or conducts training of enlisted soldiers; assesses training at all levels and provides feedback to appropriate commanders and leaders; provides counsel and guidance to NCOs and other enlisted soldiers of the command; responsible for and provides guidance on Non-Commissioned Officer Education System (NCOES) and Non-Commissioned Officer Development Program (NCODP); inspects duties performed by subordinate NCOs; notes discrepancies and initiates appropriate corrective action; assists in reception of visitors to the command; serves as president or member of command promotion board or removal board for NCOs, as authorized by regulations; sits as chairperson or member of a command's Military Member of the Quarter/Year competition for enlisted soldiers or NCOs, as directed by local regulations; responsible for quality, control and training of noncommissioned officer evaluation reports (NCOER) while ensuring timely submissions; reviews evaluation reports to determine compliance with policies and procedures and recommends corrective actions on deficiencies to commanders, other leaders and rating officials; performs other duties prescribed by the commander; assists in the professional development of junior and company grade officers.

Establishes, maintains, and operates radio and wire communications and speech security equipment including encoding and decoding of messages using CEOI or grid thrust line templates; prepares and maintains daily staff journal, fire support situation map, status charts, capability overlay, and other fire support and target processing records; assists in preparation and dissemination of fire support plans, coordinating documents, and target lists and provides liaison support; assists in initiating requests for field artillery, mortar, naval gunfire, and aerial delivered munitions; emplaces, maintains, and assists in the operation of laser range finders, target designation, and night observation devices; operates and performs operator maintenance on section vehicles and generators; performs crew maintenance and participates in organizational maintenance of section equipment; assists fire support sergeant in training of subordinates in fire support procedures, techniques, and tactics, and supervision of section operations, maintenance, and training; leads and trains the forward observer team and Combat Observation Lasing Tech (COLT) in combat operations; prepares observer target lists and assists in formulating offensive and defensive fire support plans; initiates requests and adjusts field artillery, mortar, and naval gunfire using all methods of adjustment including continuous and coordinated illumination; initiates suppressive and screening fire to support scheme of maneuver and performs crater analysis; selects and occupies observation post (OP); orients map and prepares terrain sketch and visibility diagram; instructs advises and evaluates forward observers and fire support personnel in tactics, techniques, and procedures; supervises the performance of operator, crew, and organizational maintenance on section vehicles and equipment; leads and trains the fire support team (FIST) operations at company level; supervises and directs the construction, camouflage, and defense of the section position; assists senior targeting NCO in targeting cells.

Leads and trains the Fire Support Elements of the FA Brigade Tactical Operations Center (TOC) or the FSE at battalion or higher levels during combat operations; advises and assists fire support sergeants of subordinate elements in fire planning and coordination techniques; drafts fire support plans for tactical operations orders and plans; coordinates plans for company, battalion, and brigade fire support and integrates them with the overall scheme of maneuver; recommends the employment of fire support means to include naval gunfire and close air support; recommend employment of target acquisition assets and target selection standards to include COLT employment; assist in the target analysis and fire planning at the brigade, division and Corps FSE; supervise the performance of operator, crew and organizational maintenance on section vehicles; FA senior sergeant leads in the fire support, operations/intelligence, and target acquisition activities in a field artillery battalion, brigade, division artillery, or corps artillery; other major duties are leading soldiers performing duties in field artillery MOS performs principal duties for SQI "M"; leads soldiers performing duties in field artillery MOS; leads and supervises the operation of the unit command post in accordance with directives; leads, supervises, and participates in coordination and implementation of cannon, missile, rocket, or target acquisition operations, training programs, administrative matters, and communication activities, providing tactical and technical guidance to subordinates, and professional support to lower and higher grade Soldiers in the accomplishment of their duties; monitors, inspects, and evaluates FA training programs; leads and supervises the preparation and distribution of maps, operational information, operational reports and training materials; supervise the maintenance of staff journals, files, records, and training material; serves as the principal NCO of FA battalion, brigade, division artillery, or Corps artillery operations activity and supervises the processing operations and intelligence information; prepare operational SOPs; supervises and maintains classified files, records, processing of individual security clearances; leads, supervises, and participates in identifying and indicating location, strength, tactical deployment, and emplacement of enemy units.

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