Army Command and Control Systems Integrator

Warrant Officer

140A MOS

Job Detail

Analyze and interprets technical data employment in the communications network between Army, Marine, Navy, Air Force and Joint Tactical Air Operations.

Technical advisor to the commander on systems employment options and communication link architecture for Army Air Defense Command and Control Systems; analyze and interprets technical data employment in the communications network between Army, Marine, Navy, Air Force and Joint Tactical Air Operations; advises personnel on systems capability and configuration options that are assigned to Command and Control Centers, and when necessary, serves as Tactical Director; serves as the primary trainer for all assigned personnel and is charged with coordinating efforts necessary to emplace assets and adapt software which best supports Army Air Defense C2I fighting tactics, using the guidelines of Mission, Enemy, Terrain and weather, Troops and support available, Time available, and Civil considerations (METT-TC); advises the commander on available options for task force organization and assets on-hand for reconstitution; serves as data link manager, providing link prioritization and standard operation procedures for all link initialization parameters; coordinates the activities of support personnel and manages equipment and site assets for the installation, repair (by using BIT/BITE removal and replacement procedures) and integration of the Army Air Defense C2 system ancillary equipment and tools; advise, assist and train personnel on specialized test procedures, tools and technical manuals in order to identify, isolate and repair equipment failures and communication outages; establishes repair priorities based on fix or fight criteria, reconstitution and availability, or required assets; assist in the development of unit Field Standard Operating Procedures (FSOP), Tactical Standard Operating Procedures (TSOP), and internal operating procedures.

Perform duties as described in preceding skill levels; serves as an instructor, writer, training developer and evaluator for MOS related service schools; advises the commander at brigade and corps levels on C2 systems capabilities and integration procedures providing the multi-system interface into the joint/combined arena; interfaces with senior level commanders from all services and gives input for the integration and tactical deployment procedures of the Army's C2 systems; advises the commander at brigade and corps levels on C2 systems capabilities and integration procedures providing the multi-system interface into the joint area; provides integration and tactical guidance on Army C2 Air Defense elements while serving as a liaison officer to elements above corps level; interfaces with senior weapons procurement officials for future modifications to the Army's C2 system; serves as a combat developer for MOS related service schools.

Perform duties as described in preceding skill levels; provides leadership, guidance, integration, tactical input and direction to subordinate elements, staff agencies, and field commanders through Theater Army level; interfaces with senior level commanders from all services and gives input for the integration and tactical deployment procedures of the Army's C2 systems; interfaces with senior weapons procurement officials for future modifications to the Army's C2 system; advise the Commandant and Assistant Commandant at the Army Air Defense Artillery School on all matters pertaining to Air Defense Artillery warrant officers.

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