Air Force In-flight Refueling


1A091 MOS

Job Detail

Performs in-flight refueling aircrew functions and activities according to flight manuals, checklists, and Unites States Air Force publications.

Experience performing functions such as: inspecting, operating, and troubleshooting in-flight refueling systems; preparing or verifying load plans; loading and unloading aircraft; and instructing passengers in the use of emergency equipment and procedures. Also, experience performing or supervising functions such as: inspecting, operating, and troubleshooting in-flight refueling systems; preparing or verifying load plans; loading and unloading cargo on aircraft; and instructing passengers in the use of emergency equipment and procedures.

Experience in directing functions pertaining to in-flight refueling operator activities.

Performs in-flight refueling aircrew duties. Checks forms for equipment status. Performs visual and operational check of air refueling and associated systems and equipment. Performs preflight, through-flight, and post-flight inspections. Accomplishes preflight and post-flight records and reports. Performs in-flight operational check of air refueling systems. Directs receiver aircraft into air refueling position. Operates in-flight air refueling controls and switches to safely affect contact between tanker and receiver aircraft. Monitors control panel for proper operation of equipment during air refueling, and advises receiver pilot of actions required to safely maintain position within the air-refueling envelope. Keeps tanker pilot informed as to progress of air refueling operations. Performs emergency operations and procedures as required for emergency off-load and on-load of fuel. Computes and completes aircraft weight and balance documentation. Receives cargo/passenger load briefing and reviews load plan and cargo documentation. Accomplishes load planning of cargo/passenger loads if required. Supervises cargo/passenger loading and off-loading operations. Directs the placement of material handling equipment to accomplish cargo on/off loading operations. Ensures cargo/passengers are placed according to load plans. Determines cargo restraint requirements according to criteria and directs and checks the application of cargo restraint equipment. Checks cargo/passenger loads against manifests. Ensures availability of fleet service equipment and receives and stows in-flight meals. Accomplishes passenger briefings to include the use of emergency equipment, evacuation procedures, and border clearance requirements. Demonstrates the use of passenger emergency oxygen systems and life vests. Supervises passengers in-flight. Performs jumpmaster duties (KC-135 only).

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