Army Geospatial Information Technician

Warrant Officer

215D MOS

Job Detail

Coordinates and supervises the collection, analysis, and processing of geospatial information.

Coordinates and supervises the collection, analysis, and processing of geospatial information; validates geospatial information accuracy and directs GIS database development, and maintenance; identifies topographic requirements for Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) and the Military Decision-Making Process (MDMP); directs and supervises the production of graphic, tactical decision aids to support the military decision making process; plans topographic support at the operational level; coordinates with Staff Weather Officer (SWO) all requirements for critical weather information and determines the impact of weather on ground operations; directs and supervises system administration of multiple geospatial information systems on a LAN and WAN; coordinates actions with staff elements at the brigade and division level; manages reproduction and distribution of hardcopy and digital products; performs staff briefings and graphic presentations at all levels of command; performs analysis of remotely sensed imagery; prepares topographic orders and annexes; integrates geospatial information vertically and horizontally on the battlefield; directs technical training within the unit; commands separate detachments performing topographic missions in support of divisions and brigades; manages personnel, budget, supply, and equipment requirements for division and brigade topographic support elements.

Performs duties described in preceding skill levels; develops new geospatial engineer doctrine, organizational structure, methods and equipment to be utilized in the topographic field; identifies necessary changes to 215D duty titles, qualifications, job descriptions, and accessions requirements.

Performs duties described in preceding skill levels; coordinates and reviews geospatial engineer requirements in echelons Corps and above; coordinates the acquisition of data for mission specifications from supported units, civilian and governmental agencies (foreign and domestic); performs duties of training Developer.

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