Air Force Space and Missile Maintenance



Job Detail

Manages maintenance and modification of conventional munitions, nuclear weapons, Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM), and associated equipment. Administers weapons programs and resources. Directs weapons maintenance production, staff activity, and related material programs. Manages missile maintenance activities at launch and missile alert facilities, including maintenance, repair, and inspection of missile flight systems, expendable launch vehicles (ELV), nuclear certified support vehicles and equipment, and associated ground support equipment (SE). Serves as munitions and missile maintenance staff advisor to commanders.

Formulates maintenance procedures for all munitions and missile systems. Builds integrated logistics support plans and develops maintenance support structures to sustain maintenance and personnel. Manages storage and distribution of Air Force munitions. Establishes training requirements and support standards of operational systems. Identifies and upgrades system deficiencies to meet mission requirements and enhance safety. Assesses operational requirements and environment. Advises commanders on risks associated with conventional munitions, nuclear weapons, and missile operations. Evaluates explosives and nuclear safety criteria and develops explosives site plans for storage, movement, and operations of conventional munitions, nuclear weapons, and missiles. Conducts conventional munitions, nuclear weapons, and missile safety training. Manages conventional munitions, nuclear weapons, and missile maintenance production. Recommends procedural and technical improvements and modifications. Schedules resources to ensure required readiness. Enforces technical performance standards, and ensures assigned work force is properly trained and equipped. Assesses unit capability and advises commanders, supervisors, and staff. Budgets and allocates resources. Coordinates with operational and support units to ensure equipment readiness and efficiency of assigned forces. Formulates maintenance plans. Plans and programs support requirements, modifications, and modernization. Defines technical problems and economic factors related to research and development, and system application. Reviews maintenance and operational data to evaluate programs, assess trends, and identify improvements and deficiencies. Plans and directs munitions support for in-place and Air Expeditionary Force operations. Plans and organizes munitions and missile maintenance activities. Performs engineering functions for maintenance and operations facilities; provides space, tools, test equipment, and spare parts; establishes workflow. Develops and improves methods and procedures for assembly, checkout, calibration, and analysis of aerospace systems. Establishes performance standards for system assembly, checkout, and component replacement. Plans and coordinates booster flight profiles. Manages qualifications and validation of ELVs, including engineering proposals, hardware, and software procurement. Certifies launch readiness of flight hardware, associated facilities, and supporting test range resources. Directs DoD and civilian agencies and aerospace contractors throughout launch preparation activities. Manages and coordinates activities to support intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) launch readiness operations. Advises commander on operational status of ICBM assets. Maintains liaison with manufacturers' representatives to solve maintenance and performance problems. Coordinates lateral logistics activities to ensure supply, transport, and funding are integrated to support mission requirements. Develops flight plans and supports ground flight software and hardware configuration. Monitors operation and performance of vehicle activities and flight dynamics. Represents logistics in development of flight procedures, mission checklists, and mission flight rules. Writes munitions, nuclear weapon, and missile maintenance annexes to logistics plans. Provides weapon system data for operational and logistics support analysis. Monitors and evaluates contracted logistics and maintenance support activities. Develops procedures for storing, assembling, delivering, inventory management, and testing conventional munitions, nuclear weapons, and missiles. Develops procedures for, and manages, routine disposal of common US munitions. Develops munitions accountability programs. Understands and manages all aspects of the Air Force munitions accountability system.

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