Army Legal Administrator

Warrant Officer

270A MOS

Job Detail

Review and provide technical oversight and support for witness procurement, court-martial orders, and other administrative documents.

Performs duties in preceding skill levels; responsible for MOS proponency and career management functions.

Performs duties in preceding skill levels; provides guidance and technical assistance to subordinate legal elements and/or other staff elements; mentor subordinate legal administrators.

Review and provide technical oversight and support for witness procurement, court-martial orders, and other administrative documents; manage the administrative aspects of court-martial processing, to include reviewing documents requiring General Court-Martial Convening Authority action for administrative and technical accuracy; sign official court-martial documents and orders on behalf of general and special court-martial convening authorities; provide technical support and advice for automated trial preparation, presentation, and case management; plan, resource, establish, and furnish courtroom facilities in both garrison and deployed environments; serve as recorders on administrative boards in USAR and NG organizations (RC only); manage the overall legal support for Army core legal disciplines (administrative law, civil law, claims, international law, legal assistance, and military justice), and operational law; formulate, recommend, and execute policy for the Staff Judge Advocate (SJA); serve as the subject matter expert in all Army battle command and legal automated systems associated with legal operations; provide technical advice on the legal operations SOP; provide legal operations support for deployments/redeployments; responsible for the deployment, sustainment and reconstitution of the legal office; deploy with the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate (OSJA) cell to provide quality legal services to the command in the forward area of operations; coordinate with staff elements and higher headquarters to ensure the office is properly manned, equipped, trained, and funded to support legal operations; in accordance with AR 27-20 and the Foreign Claims Act, coordinate with US Army Claims Services to establish a Foreign Claims Commission to settle foreign claims; serves as claims investigating officer and foreign claims commission to investigate, review, and process all claims in the US Army area of responsibility; responsible for acquiring adequate facilities and resources for OSJA cells, to include separate facilities for the military judge, defense counsel, trial counsel and legal assistance; serve as a pay agent for foreign claims. Serve as an SJA representative in the Tactical Operations Center (TOC), convoy commander, field ordering officer, duty officer, and linguistic support coordinator; serve as the information management officer and direct the SJA information management program; serve as a liaison with G6 and/or Director, Information Management for Command, Control, Communication, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I) support; ensure all automated systems within a legal office are properly accredited; provide procedural guidance, technical assistance, and training to commanders and their staff, and legal personnel relating to C4I and legal automation systems; provide procedural guidance, technical assistance, training to commanders and their staff, legal personnel and commanders and their staff relating to C4I and legal automation systems; responsible for review and accuracy of office web pages; plan, coordinate, procure, operate, secure, and maintain C4I equipment across the range of military operations; locally manage the Judge Advocate Warfighting System (JAWS) and ensure integration into other Army systems; ensure proper operation of JAGC-specific automated systems and software applications to include granting security access to protect against breaches of attorney-client confidentiality; provide comprehensive management of all resources including personnel manning documents (military and civilian), budget, travel card program, logistics, facilities, research material, and technical equipment; analyze, develop, procure, and implement programs to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of legal operations; monitor legal research accounts for efficient use of resources; action officer on force management issues, including Reserve Component integration or mobilization; serve as management control officer for all leg

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