Army Human Resource Specialist



Job Detail

Prepare and processes awards, evaluations, promotion packets, leave request, orders, ID cards, and other personnel actions.

Performs duties of and supervises at preceding skill level including quality assurance, in a personnel activity, while performing specialized or all encompassing human resource functions; provides advice and makes recommendations to the commander and staff on all matters pertaining to enlisted soldiers and their families; accompanies the commander on inspections, visits and ceremonies; assists in inspection of command activities, facilities and personnel as prescribed by the commander; ensures adherence to command policies; holds first sergeants' or sergeants' major call to announce information and instruction; ensures that newly assigned enlisted personnel are instructed in military courtesy, customs of the service and command regulations or policies; responsible for monitoring training or conducts training of enlisted soldiers; assesses training at all levels and provides feedback to appropriate commanders and leaders; provides counsel and guidance to NCOs and other enlisted soldiers of the command; responsible for and provides guidance on Non-Commissioned Officer Education System (NCOES) and Non-Commissioned Officer Development Program (NCODP); inspects duties performed by subordinate NCOs; notes discrepancies and initiates appropriate corrective action; assists in reception of visitors to the command; serves as president or member of command promotion board or removal board for NCOs, as authorized by regulations; sits as chairperson or member of a command's Military Member of the Quarter/Year competition for enlisted soldiers or NCOs, as directed by local regulations; responsible for quality, control and training of noncommissioned officer evaluation reports (NCOER) while ensuring timely submissions; reviews evaluation reports to determine compliance with policies and procedures and recommends corrective actions on deficiencies to commanders, other leaders and rating officials; performs other duties prescribed by the commander; assists in the professional development of junior and company grade officer.

Able to perform the duties required for preceding skill level; supervise HR office, specific human resources functions, Battalion S1 and human resources support activity; advise commander, adjutant and other staff members on personnel administration activities; perform quality assurance, in a personnel activity, while performing specialized or all encompassing human resource functions.

Prepares and processes recommendations for awards and decorations and arranges for awards ceremony; prepares, updates, and coordinates requests for evaluations, to include responding to evaluation inquiries; prepares and monitors requests for promotions and arranges for promotion ceremony, to include promotion declinations, reconsideration for promotions, and arrange for reduction and removal boards for soldiers on local promotion standing lists; processes centralized and decentralized promotions and reduction actions; prepares and monitors requests for reductions, transfers, and discharges; prepares and monitors requests for identification cards and tags, leaves, and passes, line of duty determination, Military Personnel data and information management, orders for temporary duty and travel, personnel processing, personnel security clearances, training and reassignment, retention, military and special pay programs, personnel accounting and strength management, transition processing, meal cards, training soldier support file, and unit administration; prepare personnel accounting and strength management reports; apply knowledge of provisions and limitations of Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts; requisitions and maintains office supplies, blank forms, and publications; types military and nonmilitary correspondence in draft and final copy; prepares and maintains functional files per MARKS; evaluate personnel qualifications for special assignment; prepares and processes requests for transfer or reassignment; process classification/reclassification actions; prepare orders and request for orders; prepares and maintains officer and enlisted personnel records; prepares and reviews personnel casualty documents; transfer records; process personnel for separation and retirement; process applications for OCS, warrant officer flight training or other training; processes bars to reenlistment, suspension of favorable personnel actions; initiate action for passports and visas; processes requests and prepares identification tags and cards; monitor appointment of line of duty, survivor assistance, and summary court officers; processes line of duty investigations; prepare letters of sympathy to next of kin; types correspondence and forms in draft and final copy; posts changes to Army regulations and other publications; provides technical guidance to subordinate soldiers in accomplishment of these duties; supervise specific human resources functions in a personnel office, Battalion S1 and human resources support activity; advise commanders on soldiers and personnel readiness and strength levels of supported reporting units; reviews consolidated reports, statistics, applications, and prepares recommendations for personnel actions to higher headquarters; reviews and prepares reports and data on strength (gains and losses)of personnel and makes duty assignments of enlisted personnel; review cyclic and other reports to assess systems performance; maintain liaison with servicing data processing facility and field managers of interfaced systems.

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