Air Force Physical Therapist


42B1 MOS

Job Detail

Plans, develops, and manages physical therapy programs and activities. Implements research activities. Provides and conducts training in physical therapy. Evaluates patients and treats disabilities requiring physical therapy.

a minimum of 6 months of experience is mandatory in physical therapy assignments, including planning, managing, and administering physical therapy treatments and activities for those with the entry-level doctorate (DPT) and transitional (e.g. post-professional) DPT. A minimum of 24 months of experience is mandatory in physical therapy assignments, including planning, managing, and administering physical therapy treatments and activities for those with a bachelor's or master's degree.

Same as junior tasks.

Plans, coordinates, controls, directs, and evaluates physical therapy activities. Determines and implements policies and procedures pertaining to physical therapy program and activities. Determines requirements for physical therapy services including personnel, equipment, supplies, and continuing education. Establishes professional care standards and establishes and appraises performance levels of subordinates. Coordinates the physical therapy program within the medical facility. Establishes and maintains liaison with civilian and governmental agencies regarding physical therapy. Develops and implements teaching programs and research activities related to physical therapy. Plans and develops physical therapy treatments, procedures, and programs. Reviews clinical records and case histories. Interprets requests for physical therapy services. Evaluates patients and determines the type and frequency of physical therapy treatment necessary to assist in the habilitation or rehabilitation of patients. Consults and collaborates with medical personnel, patient, and active duty supervisor as required. Confers with referring medical officer. Makes recommendations regarding the use or adjustment of braces, prostheses, and other related appliances used to support and assist the mobility of the patient. Administers physical therapy treatment programs. Supervises the professional phases of physical therapy. Administers physical therapy diagnostic tests and treatment programs. Observes patient's response to treatment and modifies the program to accelerate recovery. Records all pertinent data in the patient's medical records. Participates in quality assessment program. Serves in an advisory and teaching capacity. Acts as a consultant to the medical staff on physical therapy matters. Makes recommendations on staffing, physical plant design, and distribution of physical therapy equipment. Establishes requirements and coordinates and conducts educational programs to meet department and facility needs. Evaluates effectiveness and efficiency of physical therapy programs and continuing educational activities.

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