Air Force Allergist


44Z2 MOS

Job Detail

Examines, diagnoses, performs diagnostic tests, and treats allergic disorders. Manages allergy services.

Examines, diagnoses, and treats allergic diseases. Prepares and reviews case histories and obtains data through interviews. Examines patients and determines required x-ray examinations, clinical laboratory tests, and diagnostic challenge tests (dermal on inhalation or ingestion). Interprets tests results and evaluates findings. Prescribes specific medications, diets, and immunotherapy and overseas nursing personnel in injection therapy. In emergencies, treats patients suffering from anaphylactic shock, angioedema, urticaria, bronchospasm, and other severe allergic diseases. Manages allergy services. Formulates plans and procedures for allergy services, schedules clinic and allergic testing, and assigns nurses and medical technicians. Advises on kind and quantity of allergy supplies and equipment. Coordinates allergy services with other medical activities. Instructs interns, residents, and fellows in allergy procedures. Serves as consultant on allergy.

Same as junior tasks.

For award of AFSC 44Z3, completion of a fellowship in allergy acceptable to the Surgeon General, HQ USAF, is mandatory.

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