Army Memorial Activities Specialist



Job Detail

Supervises or collects, identifies, evacuates, buries, and processes deceased military personnel.

Must be able to perform the duties of Memorial Activities Specialist, 57F40; serves as principal NCO in operations section of graves registration battalion, group, or comparable level headquarters; assists in organizational planning of search and recovery operations; coordinates operations with combat units; supervises memorial activities operations; serves as First Sergeant of a company; interprets and supervises execution of company policy and SOP; assists in planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities that support the company mission; advises company commander on all matters concerning enlisted personnel, to include assignments, reassignments, transfers, promotions, granting of passes and leave, punishments, welfare, privileges, and awards; directs and coordinates company administration; forms unit for drill, ceremonies, and other military formations; receives report of personnel present and absent, and reports number or unauthorized absences; holds NCO call to disseminate instructions and information to subordinate enlisted supervisors; coordinates operation of company food service and supply activities; assists company commander in accomplishing unit training; assists in inspection of organizational activities as prescribed by commander, observes discrepancies, and initiates appropriate corrective action; must be able to perform the duties of at least one MOS at skill level 5; advises commander and staff on matters pertinent to troop welfare and morale in terms of assignment, reassignment, utilization, promotion, privileges, discipline, training, operations, and logistics; accompanies commander on inspections, visits, and at ceremonies; assists in inspection of command activities, facilities, and personnel as prescribed by commander; holds First Sergeants' or Sergeants' Major call to disseminate information and instruction; insures that newly assigned enlisted personnel are instructed in military courtesy, customs of the service, and in command regulations or policies; provides counsel and guidance to noncommissioned officers and other enlisted personnel of the command; inspects duties performed by subordinate noncommissioned officers; makes notes of observed discrepancies and initiates appropriate corrective action in name of commander; assists in reception of visitors to the command; sits as member of command promotion board for senior noncommissioned officers, where authorized by pertinent regulations; performs those additional duties prescribed by the commander.

Must be able to perform the duties of Memorial Activities Specialist, 57F20; supervises collection, identification, and burial of deceased military personnel and cemetery care; plans and coordinates search and recovery missions; prepares topographical sketches and map overlays; supervises recovery from plane crashes, water vehicles, and armored vehicles; prevents disease or infection from handling remains by sanitation; supervises and instructs in identification; supervises disposition of personal effects; selects sites for temporary graves and cemeteries; supervises and coordinates burial of dead; plans and coordinates escort activities; supervises cemetery care; supervises and records disinterment from graves and temporary cemeteries; supervises preparation and filing of property disposition records; prepares reports and records on processed remains, grave location, registers, master locator files, and memorial activities work; must be able to perform the duties of Memorial Activities Specialist, 57F40; serves as principal NCO in operations section of graves registration battalion, group, or comparable level headquarters; assists in organizational planning of search and recovery operations; coordinates operations with combat units; supervises memorial activities operations; serves as First Sergeant of a company; interprets and supervises execution of company policy and SOP; assists in planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities that support the company mission; advises company commander on all matters concerning enlisted personnel, to include assignments, reassignments, transfers, promotions, granting of passes and leave, punishments, welfare, privileges, and awards; directs and coordinates company administration; forms unit for drill, ceremonies, and other military formations; receives report of personnel present and absent, and reports number or unauthorized absences; holds NCO call to disseminate instructions and information to subordinate enlisted supervisors; coordinates operation of company food service and supply activities; assists company commander in accomplishing unit training; assists in inspection of organizational activities as prescribed by commander, observes discrepancies, and initiates appropriate corrective action.

Must be able to perform the duties of Duty Soldier, 57A10; collects, assists in identification, and buries deceased military personnel; searches battle fields for unburied dead and for unmarked graves; reads or indicates graves location on maps, sketches, or overlays; avoids mines and booby-traps; examines area for identification items; transports remains and effects to collection points; examines remains and clothing; removes personal effects; inventories, classifies, and disposes of personal effects; records identity of remains; takes fingerprints or prepares teeth chart; writes description of physical and anatomical characteristics; operates X-ray apparatus and camera; assists in identification of deteriorated remains; supervises labor personnel details performing grave digging and cemetery care.

MOS with Similar Name
  • MOS 57F Memorial Activities Specialist
MOS with Similar Code
  • MOS 57F Memorial Activities Specialist
  • MOS 57F Graves Registration Specialist