Performs operator maintenance on all types of wreckers, recovery vehicles and associated accessories and equipment.
Must be able to supervise personnel performing the duties of MOS 41J, 44B, 62B, 63C, 63H, 45Z or 41C at the 4 skill level; serves as principal maintenance or operations NCO in maintenance battalion or higher level; plans and lays out mechanical maintenance shops and facilities; plans workflow, assigns duties, and instructs in maintenance work techniques; determines level of maintenance in processing work orders; supervises production and quality control of maintenance operations; evaluates work performance of subordinates, determines training requirements, and recommends corrective actions; applies production and quality control principles and procedures to maintenance operations; assists in preparation of maintenance operations, plans, policies, and procedures; supervises or prepares technical studies, evaluations, special reports, and records pertaining to maintenance operations, training, and related operations; supervises preparation of work orders, requisitions, recurring reports and correspondence; performs principal noncommissioned officer duties associated with SQI M; provides advice and makes, recommendations to the commander aid staff on all matters pertain to enlisted personnel and their families; accompanies the commander on inspections and visits and at ceremonies; assists in inspection of command activities facilities aid personnel as prescribed by the commander; holds First Sergeants' or Sergeants' Major call to announce information and instructions; insures that newly assigned enlisted personnel are instructed in military courtesy, customs, of the service, and command regulations or policies; provides counsel and guidance to NCOs and other enlisted personnel of the command; inspects duties performed by subordinate NCOs; notes discrepancies and initiates appropriate corrective action; assists in reception of visitors to the command; sits as president or, member of command promotion board for NCOs, as authorized by regulations; performs other duties prescribed by, the commander.
Must be able to perform the duties of Wheel Mechanic (63B30) or Track Mechanic (63C30) or Recovery Specialist (63F30); supervises organizational maintenance on track and wheel vehicles, recovery operations, and tire and tube repair activities; must be able to supervise personnel performing the duties of MOS 41J, 44B, 62B, 63C, 63H, 45Z or 41C at the 4 skill level; serves as principal maintenance or operations NCO in maintenance battalion or higher level; plans and lays out mechanical maintenance shops and facilities; plans workflow, assigns duties, and instructs in maintenance work techniques; determines level of maintenance in processing work orders; supervises production and quality control of maintenance operations; evaluates work performance of subordinates, determines training requirements, and recommends corrective actions; applies production and quality control principles and procedures to maintenance operations; assists in preparation of maintenance operations, plans, policies, and procedures; supervises or prepares technical studies, evaluations, special reports, and records pertaining to maintenance operations, training, and related operations; supervises preparation of work orders, requisitions, recurring reports and correspondence; performs principal noncommissioned officer duties associated with SQI M.
Performs recovery and evacuation operations for abandoned, damaged, disabled or mired light or heavy wheel or track vehicles; determines method of recovery and employment of associated equipment; prepares equipment for use on recovery vehicles; maneuvers recovery vehicles, selects most desirable positions for wreckers, trailers, full tracked recovery vehicles or transporters; attaches hoists, cables, chains or slings to vehicles; raises, moves, pulls and secures vehicles, components or equipment using accessories such as winches, cranes, booms, jacks, block and tackle gear, and by applying necessary line and rigs; prepares and keeps operating forms and records on recovery operations; performs vehicle recovery and evacuation operations; provides technical guidance to lower grade personnel in accomplishment of these duties; plans, organizes and supervises recovery operations; assigns duties; instructs and assists lower skilled personnel in all phases of wheel and track vehicle recovery and evacuation; plans routes for drivers on annotated maps; requisitions spare parts, tool and supplies; schedules and coordinates assigned equipment for periodic maintenance.