Air Force Pharmacy Specialist


90550 MOS

Job Detail

Manages administrative and technical pharmacy activities. Requisitions, stocks, compounds, and dispenses pharmaceuticals. Safeguards controlled drugs. Maintains and operates pharmacy information systems.

Experience in preparing, storing, or dispensing medications. Qualification in and possession of AFSC 4P051. Also, experience performing or supervising function such as compounding, storing, or dispensing medicinal preparations.

Compounds and dispenses pharmaceuticals. Interprets prescriptions and formulas for appropriateness and conformity with established guidelines. Confers with prescribers or patients on questions to assure desired therapeutic outcome. Performs and verifies pharmaceutical calculations. Selects and prepares drug orders according to accepted standards. Manufactures, labels, and stores preparations according to accepted compendia and reference literature. Performs inventory control functions. Establishes requirements, requisitions, and stores drugs and equipment. Prepares orders needed for emergency, controlled drug, or other special items. Initiates defective drug product complaints. Processes adverse drug reaction reports. Plans and organizes pharmacy activities. Develops economical, efficient work methods and operating procedures. Coordinates pharmacy activities with other functional areas. Develops and directs pharmacy quality assurance programs. Inspects and evaluates pharmacy activities. Conducts periodic inspections of all drug storage and usage areas. Corrects discrepancies and maintains inspection reports. Develops formulations. Assists in the development of new or modified drug formulations. Maintains current drug information literature for pharmacy and medical staff. Participates in Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee functions. Performs pharmacy administrative functions. Provides proper maintenance and disposal for all pertinent Air Force and drug records. Prepares and revises Medical Facility Drug Formulary. Operates and maintains data automation equipment. Performs routine cleaning and maintenance of computer software and hardware. Revises data automation needs in accordance with current technology and availability.

Experience managing functions such as those involved in administrative and technical pharmacy operations.

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