Marine Corps Financial Management Specialist

Warrant Officer

9644 MOS

Job Detail

Financial management specialists have a graduate degree in financial management and are assigned to budget officer billets with a billet MOS of 9644 or to financial management billets within the Washington, DC area. Financial management specialists assigned to field 9644 billets should have a primary MOS of 3404. Most financial management specialist billets are within the Washington, DC area. Typical duties of such a Washington, DC assignment include budget analyst, cost analyst, or section head for a resource management office.

Provides budget analyst, cost analyst, or section head for a resource management office.

MOS with Similar Name
  • MOS 01D Financial Management/Adjutant General...
  • MOS 3400 Basic Financial Management Marine
  • MOS 3401 Basic Financial Management Officer
  • MOS 3401 Basic Financial Management Officer
  • MOS 3402 Finance Officer (III)
  • MOS 3404 Financial Management Officer (I)
  • MOS 3406 Financial Accounting Officer
  • MOS 3408 Financial Management Resource Officer
  • MOS 3432 Finance Technician
  • MOS 3451 Financial Management Resource Analyst...
MOS with Similar Code
  • MOS 5964 Tactical Air Command Center CTAPS/Sys...
  • MOS 9640 Manpower Management Officer
  • MOS 9644 Financial Management Specialist
  • MOS 9646 Data Systems Specialist
  • MOS 9648 Management, Data Systems Officer