Leads and directs the tactical command, control, and communications rating; Utilize the technology employed in afloat Combat Information Centers and Operations Center Command and Control Systems to employ Coast Guard tactics, procedures, and doctrine; perform a central role in the execution of nearly all Coast Guard operations; Tactical command and control experts, coordinating responses to a wide variety of Coast Guard missions, including Search and Rescue, Maritime Law Enforcement, Marine Environmental Protection, Homeland Security, and National Defense; Operate state-of-the-art communications systems, tactical tracking and identification systems, shipboard navigation systems, and advanced operational planning applications; warrant officers bridge an essential communication link between officer and enlisted.
Warrant officers serving as Operations Systems Specialists are operational and technical specialists in C4IT systems, Sector Operations and Information Security and Operations Security; serve as District Security Managers, Command Security Officers and Planning Officers; are experts in C3I systems capabilities, limitations and reliability; organize and supervise personnel at Sector Commands and provide technical advice and information concerning security practices; and advise Commands on the Coast Guard's Common Operating Picture.
Senior leadership and management of all personnel at the units to which they are assigned
Senior leadership and management of all personnel at the units to which they are assigned