Air Force Control and Recovery


13D3 MOS

Job Detail

Provides assault zone reconnaissance and assessments, terminal control, and personnel recovery (PR). Manages day-to-day operations of PR activities to coordinate PR system and organize, train and equip assigned personnel to conduct rescue and recovery operations; manages survival, evasion, resistance, and escape (SERE) programs; and surveys, establishes, and controls the aerospace surface interface in objective areas. Deploys as team member, team leader or mission commander as a direct combatant or to command and battle staffs to provide subject matter expertise to plan for and manage command and control for special reconnaissance, terminal control and PR operations.

Plans missions and manages PR, SERE, and control of the aerospace interface in objective areas. Supports joint and combined forces engaged in conventional and special operations air, ground, and maritime military operations. Advises on readiness of forces based on force status reports, inspections, training exercise and evaluation results. Coordinates, plans, and conducts PR missions, emergency trauma care, movement and medical evaluation of personnel. Ensures PR activities are organized, and teams and units are trained and equipped to perform the full spectrum of Air Force and joint PR. Inspects and evaluates PR activities, functions, and personnel. Coordinates, plans and conducts reconnaissance, surveillance and terminal control. Conducts reconnaissance, surveillance, survey or assessments of potential objective airfields and assault zones. Provides air traffic control (ATC) services for expeditionary airfields and assault zones. Ensures safe, orderly, and expeditious air traffic flow in and around the terminal area. Provides terminal attack control (TAC) for Air Force, joint and coalition strike and bomber aircraft. Establishes command and control communications. Provides limited weather observations. Gathers and reports intelligence information. Removes obstacles or unexploded ordnance with demolitions, and provides and enables operational interface between aerospace assets and surface forces. Ensures special tactics (ST) teams are organized, trained, and equipped to perform reconnaissance terminal control. 13D3X. Maps and charts; command and control principles and procedures; combat search and rescue principles and procedures; flight characteristics of aircraft; communications, signaling devices, and tactical communications procedures; personal protection and sustenance; rough terrain movement and mountain or adverse terrain recoveries and technical rescue, survival techniques; small unit tactics and field leadership; evasion. Employment methods to include fast rope, rope ladder, hoist, and rappelling; overland movement; amphibious operations to include scuba infiltration; and parachuting operations to include static-line and military free-fall parachuting procedures. 13D3A. Personnel recovery expert; strategic, operational and tactical PR planning to report, locate, support, recover and reintegrate isolated personnel; PR principles; tactics, techniques, and procedures for rescue and recovery operations to include, surface movement, scuba, and assisted recovery mechanisms; SERE programs to include emergency parachuting, post egress procedures, life support equipment, land navigation, evasion and assisted evasion, global environments, resistance to exploitation, prisoner of war communications, escape from captivity, physiology and psychology of survival. 13D3B. ATC principles, procedures, and regulations; navigational aids and systems; International Civil Aviation Organization and Federal Aviation Administration regulations, airfield management and base operations, AOF management and administration and AOF and AEF contingency operations; air, ground, and naval weapon systems; meteorology; demolition to clear obstructions and hazards; terminal attack control operations; Foreign Internal Defense operations; counterterrorism operations; and special reconnaissance missions.

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