Air Force Transportation


21T3 MOS

Job Detail

Integrates the spectrum of the logistics processes within the operational, acquisition, and wholesale environments. The major logistics processes include distribution management, materiel management and contingency operations. Directs and manages distribution management, materiel management, contingency operations, fuels management, aerial port operations, vehicle management, and acquisition/life cycle logistics management. Plans and programs logistics support for wartime requirements.

the officer must gain 24 months experience in any Logistics Readiness function, with no less than 12 continuous months in one of the following competencies: Materiel Management, Contingency Operations, or Distribution Management.

Directs distribution management operations to include managing cargo distribution functions such as receiving, inspecting, tracing, tracking, packaging, and shipping of supplies, equipment and war readiness spares. Responsible for logistics pipeline management and time-sensitive delivery of materiel in support of peace, contingency, and wartime operations. Maintains accountability for supplies and equipment. Responsible for the safe and efficient organic ground transportation of personnel and cargo within and between installations in support of daily and contingency operations. Resolves problems related to storage, safety, and fire hazards. Manages storage space utilization and develops and maintains a storage facility and mechanized material handling equipment modernization program to include maintenance, future upgrades, and working stock requirements. Determines readiness requirements, including emergency supply support plans, tactical and strategic movement of personnel, materiel, and units. Schedules and coordinates movement of cargo, personnel, and personal property by commercial or military modes using systems which interface with defense total asset visibility systems. Uses in-transit visibility systems. Maintains liaison with US Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM), other services and federal agencies to schedule and coordinate movements of cargo and personnel. Ensures proper allocation and effective use of transportation resources. Establishes and administers an effective packaging and preservation program. Evaluates movement forecasts and flow of personnel and cargo into the transportation system, movement capabilities, and efficiency of modes used. Directs materiel management operations such as, direction and management of retail or wholesale supply activities. Included are environmental compliance and inventory management. Determines, computes, and analyzes current and projected materiel requirements; applies authorizations and allowances; establishes and maintains stock levels; manages asset positioning; inspects, reviews, and evaluates work methods and procedures. Ensures accountability is maintained for supplies, equipment, and War Reserve Materiel (WRM). Determines effectiveness of functional data systems. Manages assigned information systems and applies approved standards and criteria to ensure proper implementation, operation, and results. Develops plans, programs, policies and procedures to manage materiel management activities, including systems design and analysis, determination and computation of requirements, plans for activation and inactivation, facility requirements, equipment allowances, and materiel accounting. Develops working capital fund operating programs and determines operating budget. Provides guidance on handling of readiness materiel stocks, including location, type of storage, protection, security, and quality control. Directs contingency operations such as logistics planning, deployment command and control, Logistics Readiness Centers, logistics command and control, Combat Support Center activities, deployment, bed-down, and redeployment activities. Integrates Agile Combat Support planning efforts, conducts readiness assessment of logistics activities, conducts war and contingency planning, base support and expeditionary site planning, WRM management, support agreement management, manages logistics time phased force deployment data and unit type codes. Enables international theater security cooperation and interoperability, operating in coalition or Joint environments often working with contractors, host- nations, etc. Directs fuels management operations such as environmental compliance, inventory management of ground and aviation fuels. Determines provisions, computes and analyzes current and projected petroleum requirements; computes, establishes, and maintains stock levels, manages fuel receipt from pipelines, trucks, rail cars, and marine vessels. Manages fuel dispensing systems, b

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