Marine Corps Warehouse Clerk


3051 MOS

Job Detail

Warehouse clerks perform various duties which include receiving, inspecting, locating, storing, rotating, safekeeping, issuing, preparing, shipping, material return and disposal of supplies and equipment as relates to ground supply operations. These clerks maintain personal computer and mainframe locator systems, conduct inventories, maintain records of subcustody principal end items, monitor shelf life items through CD ROM and the mainframe support systems, and input data entry transactions and retrieval of historical records.

Perform inspection of storage facility; Supervise Material Handling Equipment (MHE) Preventive Maintenance (PM) program; Provide input on functional requirements for military warehouse construction; Prepare warehouse planograph; Compute warehouse net storage space area; Monitor warehouse space control system; Analyze material handling equipment (MHE) requirements

Operate Material Handling Equipment (MHE); Identify pest control requirements; Prepare equipment custody receipt (ECR) card; Perform checkout procedures; Prepare local form for individual issues; File equipment custody record (ECR NAVMC 10359); Issue supplies and equipment

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