Marine Corps Counterintelligence/Human Source Intelligence CI/HUMINT Specialist


0211 MOS

Job Detail

CI/HUMINT specialists are involved in all facets of planning and conducting CI and human intelligence operations and activities. CI activities are concerned with identifying and counteracting the threat of friendly forces posed by hostile intelligence organizations, or by persons engaged in espionage, sabotage, subversion or terrorism. HUMINT activities are designed to obtain intelligence information using human beings as both sources and collectors, where the human being is the primary collection instrument.

Conduct tactical overt Human Resource Intelligence (HUMINT) operations, Provide Counterintelligence (CI) support to Antiterrorism/Force Protection, Conduct CI analysis, Conduct Counterintelligence Force Protection Source Operations(CFSO),Implement FORMICA Program, Employ Counterintelligence HUMINT Equipment Program (CIHEP)equipment, Provide CI support to tactical operations. 8. Employ operational funds, Conduct preliminary investigations.

Produce threat assessment(s) for the command, Sensitize a source to requirements for FORMICA program, Debrief a FORMICA source., Report information obtained as a result of a FORMICA debrief., Prepare a CI collection plan., Produce a CI concept of operations plan., Describe Marine Corps CI/HUMINT capabilities., Provide threat information in support of Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection (AT/FP) effort., Conduct a Level 1 Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection (AT/FP) brief to a supported command., Explain CI/HUMINT role in the staff planning process, Establish a RODCA (U) control point., Conduct Counterintelligence Force Protection Source Operations (CFSO), Employ Counterintelligence/HUMINT Equipment Program (CIHEP) equipment in support of CI/HUMINT operations. Utilize Emergency and Extraordinary Expense (E&EE) funds, Identify applicable directives and regulations governing CI/HUMINT operations and activities., Plan CI support to mobile and static checkpoints., Provide CI support to mobile and static checkpoints., Plan CI support to cordon and search operations., Provide CI support to cordon and search operations., Plan for the conduct of a threat vulnerability assessment in support of force protection operations., Conduct threat vulnerability assessment in support of force protection operations., Conduct an investigation of friendly personnel who are captured, Produce a Missing-In-Action (MIA) investigation report., Conduct a preliminary investigation concerning acts of espionage, subversion, sabotage, or terrorism, Report the results of investigation(s) concerning acts of espionage, subversion, sabotage, or terrorism., Conduct surveillance in support of tactical CI operations, Plan the conduct of counter surveillance in support of tactical CI operations.

Conduct counter surveillance in support of tactical CI operations, Produce an overt HUMINT collection operation plan, Produce a Counterintelligence Force Protection Source Operation (CFSO) proposal, Conduct a CI interrogation., Conduct map tracking., Exploit captured documents and materials., Elicit information from a specified target., Conduct a source debriefing.,

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