Plan, organize, implement, monitor, evaluate and supervise operations and maintenance operations of BMD weapons systems.
Coordinate the activities of maintenance personnel, equipment, site assets for the installation, repair (by using Built In Test/Built In Test Equipment (BIT/BITE) and/or standard troubleshooting procedures), maintenance, and modification of the Army BMD Systems, ancillary equipment and tools/test equipment; plan, organize, implement, monitor, evaluate and supervise operations and unit maintenance operations of BMD weapons systems; advise the commander on readiness; develop and implement maintenance SOPs; evaluates the effectiveness of maintenance personnel on adjustments, repair operations and isolation procedures; advises and instructs maintenance personnel on the proper procedures to perform adjustments, repair operations and fault isolation procedures; monitor and coordinate with higher headquarters elements and outside agencies for the installation of modifications on BMD weapons systems; implement and ensure compliance with proper safety and security procedures applicable to the BMD weapons systems; oversee The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS); supervise operations and maintenance of unit Prescribed Load List (PLL); assist platoon leaders in operator/crew training; acts as the commander's representative for all aspects of unit maintenance operations and historical records maintenance; supervise unit operations for Test, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE); may perform duties as Conventional Equipment Officer; may perform duties as unit AOAP Officer.
Perform duties in preceding skill levels; provide BMD weapons systems peculiar tactical/technical assistance and reporting guidance and direction to subordinate elements; advise the commander or staff officers on BMD weapons systems capabilities and limitations; evaluates, trains and validates unit readiness for the commander; coordinates total package fielding and the effects of modifications to the BMD weapons systems and trains new doctrinal concepts; must be qualified as BMD crew member to conduct training and operational readiness evaluations; conducts tactical training for crew certifications; performs or oversees contract management and budgeting; serve as Project Manager on New/Improved weapon systems fielding; provide leadership, guidance, technical input and direction to subordinate elements, staff agencies, and field commanders up to and including Brigade/Combatant Command level; must be qualified as BMD crew member to conduct training and operational readiness evaluations.
Perform duties in preceding skill levels; develop, review and update the life cycle management of BMD warrant officers; provide leadership, guidance, technical input and direction to subordinate elements, staff agencies, Combatant Commanders, and interfaces with senior leadership in a joint/combined environment; coordinates the activities of support personnel, manages equipment, readiness reporting, resource management, training, and evaluations for BMD systems.