Air Force Supply Systems Analysis Apprentice


2S052 MOS

Job Detail

Management of supply systems activities. Employs industry standard systems analysis techniques to manage and control supply systems processes for the Chief of Supply. Designs and develops information retrieval using standard reports generators, structured query language processors and other program applications. Manages the microcomputer and supply related microcomputer programs for the supply complex. Develops procedures for the operation of automated supply systems and manages automated supply systems LANs and WANs in the supply complex. Functions as a liaison between the Chief of Supply and Defense Megacenters when assigned to the Megacenters. Controls and operates the Remote Processing Station (RPS) and remote terminal hardware under the Standard Base Supply System (SBSS).

Plans and supervises supply systems activities. Plans, develops, and implements schedules for managing the operations of the base supply automated systems. Serves as the technical advisor to the Chief of Supply on supply systems matters. Analyzes supply computer operations and supply data and advises the Chief of Supply on the effectiveness of automated supply operations. Controls and operates the RPS and associated equipment. Performs operator maintenance on the RPS equipment and provides technical assistance to remote terminal users with the SBSS. Applies system security policy and procedures to prevent unauthorized changes to supply information. Maintains technical publications on operational equipment. Sets up new terminals and microcomputers to interface with the Standard Base Level Computer. Prepares automated supply computer system and peripheral devices for processing. Monitors systems processing and corrects processing errors. Inspects equipment operation for compliance with manufacturer and Air Force standards and maintains technical files on equipment operation. Performs supply systems control functions. Acts as technical advisor to the Chief of Supply concerning management and analysis of computerized supply data. Monitors supply. Defense Data Network traffic through use of the Supply Interface System and takes corrective action. Troubleshoots problems with equipment and communications. Reviews data base integrity checks and makes necessary corrections. Observes systems operations and reviews data generated. Analyzes new changes and systems operation from lateral and higher headquarters and develops new concepts to enhance supply data collection and processing requirements. Evaluates and controls data retrieval requests for standard report generators and structured query language processor programs. Manages the microcomputer software library of supply requirements. Interfaces with supply systems activities. Maintains liaison with the Standard Systems Group (SSG), MAJCOMs and the servicing Defense Megacenters to identify and correct problems. Coordinates computer systems changes and report schedules with supply work centers to ensure the most efficient use of on-line computer time. Assists in organizing and collecting supply data necessary to meet local requirements. Distributes supply computer products. Orders microcomputer hardware and software requirements for the supply complex. Provides subject matter expert and technical assistance to satellite (ANG/AFRC) RPS functions. Performs RPS duties in regionalized centers or Defense Megacenters when SSBS computer support is regionalized. Specialty Qualifications: Knowledge. Knowledge is mandatory of: data processing and electronic data processing equipment; automated digital network processing procedures; basic programming techniques; operational techniques in functional areas of supply, maintenance, transportation, procurement, accounting and finance, and functions of Air Force data systems; Air Force property accounting; and base supply policies and procedures.

experience in functions such as preparing, operating, and operator maintenance of electronic equipment. 2S072. Qualification in and possession of AFSC 2S052. Also, experience supervising and performing supply systems functions.

Tasks are the same as middle tasks.

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