Army Imagery Intelligence Technician

Warrant Officer

350G MOS

Job Detail

Provides technical expertise and manages activities engaged in imagery interpretation activities.

Performs duties in preceding skill levels; provides technical guidance and direction to subordinate imagery interpretation elements; provides the technical background information needed to develop of new imagery intelligence systems; provides guidance and technical input to subordinate imagery interpretation elements as well as other staff elements.

Performs duties in preceding skill levels; provides technical guidance and direction to subordinate imagery interpretation elements; provides the technical background information needed to develop of new imagery intelligence systems; provides guidance and technical input to subordinate imagery interpretation elements as well as other staff elements.

Provides technical expertise and manages activities engaged in imagery interpretation activities; identifies changes of terrain, equipment locations, troop movements, or other information that contributes to intelligence; identifies equipment by nomenclature and location to develop assessments of possible threat to US forces; develops summaries and prepares reports on imagery interpretation findings; establishes and maintains files on imagery interpretation data, findings, records, and reports; develops map overlays, which reflect changed tactical information; conducts intelligence briefings based on information obtained; manages imagery exploitation elements in both tactical and strategic intelligence organizations; support the Army at command levels, normally corps and echelon above corps; supervise and training enlisted imagery interpreters.

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