Army Attache Technician

Warrant Officer

351Z MOS

Job Detail

Meets with foreign and U.S. visitors, guest, and government representatives ranging to the highest levels of government and civilian structure.

Meets with foreign and U.S. visitors, guest, and government representatives ranging to the highest levels of government and civilian structure; coordinates operations and operational support of the Defense attache Office; applies regulations, directives, and procedures necessary for managing HUMINT collection operations; correlates information regarding operational travel, fiscal matters, personnel and materiel resources, collection strategies, and HUMINT requirements into a tactical collection management plan; advises the Defense Attache in matters encompassing Defense Intelligence Agency, Department of State, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and policies and procedures of other agencies in the operations and operational support arenas; advises other Defense Attache Office personnel and visitors regarding matters of security, protocol, military courtesies, and public affairs; reads, interprets, and prepares intelligence information reports, technical reports, electrical communications, and other data; supervises U.S. and foreign support personnel; authenticates budgets, purchase orders, obligation and liquidation documents, requests for supplies, and any other correspondence necessary to ensure office support; supervises all personnel and financial support of Army Attaché personnel while in training and in the field; coordinates among Defense Intelligence Agency, DCSINT, and PERSCOM in administering the Division's programs in selecting, processing, nominating, training, and assigning Army commissioned officers, warrant officers, and enlisted personnel for the Defense Attaché System; and maintains internal controls that ensure the proper management of resources; develops and conducts the instruction of student personnel in Defense Attaché Office operations and operational support.

Conducts inspections of both Defense Intelligence Agency internal elements and Defense Intelligence Agency military personnel, and investigations as directed by the Defense Intelligence Agency Inspector General; implements DCSINT, DA, INSCOM, and Commander, FSC policies regarding the administration of Army attache personnel; coordinates policy with Defense Intelligence Agency and PERSCOM; supervises the activities of warrant officers, enlisted personnel, and DA civilians responsible for providing administrative, personnel management, military pay, and Army representational support for Army personnel serving in 90 countries who are affiliated with the Defense Attaché Systems; and provides administrative management of the Army attaché and support staff personnel procurement programs.

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