Army Psychological Operations Specialist



Job Detail

Plans, analyze, develop, design, distribute, disseminate, and evaluate PSYOP across the range of military operations.

Trains and maintains proficiency in all major duties; researches finished and current intelligence and open-source information Records, cross-references, stores and retrieves PSYOP-relevant information manually or using automated data processing equipment; develop concepts and designs product prototypes; distribute PSYOP products; perform initial analysis of enemy foreign propaganda products and other media; safeguard classified and sensitive material; maintain journals, status boards, operations maps, and overlay; operates and maintains organic communications, production, and other equipment; prepares and presents briefings; operate specific equipment; perform all duties of preceding skill level; provide specific guidance and training for subordinates; identifies and maintains information on the availability of products and delivery means; determine the appropriate mix of media to implement PSYOP; supervise packaging of PSYOP products for delivery by various means; evaluate the effectiveness of PSYOP products; analyze psychological vulnerabilities, and susceptibilities of PSYOP target audiences to determine potential for exploitation; evaluates current intelligence, PSYOP studies and estimates to determine PSYOP targets; establishes and maintains reference files of translated materials; analyze enemy and foreign propaganda and other media; provide specific guidance and training for subordinates; assist in preparing and conducting PSYOP training programs; plans and organizes work schedules and assigns specific tasks in support of PSYOP missions; conduct liaison with the supported unit staff; coordinate resource requirements for the development, production and dissemination of PSYOP products; advises supported units on psychological operations planning considerations; integrate PSYOP into conventional and special operations tactical planning; analyze current intelligence holdings to identify gaps and subsequent collection requirements to support PSYOP; supervise receipt, analysis, and storage of PSYOP related information; assist in the planning, identification and deployment of PSYOP forces; coordinate PSYOP information collection requirements with supported command; spot-checks analysis performed by subordinates; supervise scriptwriters, broadcast specialists, journalists, and illustrators in the development and production of PSYOP products; determine dissemination requirements for PSYOP products; assess the overall impact of the PSYOP series on target audience behavior; supervise PSYOP distribution and dissemination.

Perform all duties of preceding skill level. Provide specific guidance and training for subordinates; develops and conducts PSYOP specific training programs; plans and organizes PSYOP task organizations; supervise the PSYOP development center; supervise the planning, production and dissemination of PSYOP products; supervise the implementation of PSYOP; control the execution of PSYOP programs; coordinate PSYOP liaison activities within supported unit staffs; assist in planning for PSYOP units at geographic combatant commands; perform duties as a PSYOP staff NCO at brigade combat team and division headquarters; perform all duties of preceding skill level; provide specific guidance and training for subordinates; coordinate PSYOP liaison activities within supported unit staffs; supervise the planning, organization, training, and coordination of activities within PSYOP units; supervise the employment of PSYOP forces and execution of psychological operations activities; conduct planning for PSYOP units at Geographic Combatant Commands; perform duties as PSYOP staff NCO at Division, Corps, and Army Service Component Command headquarters.

Perform all duties of preceding skill level; advises the commander and staff on all matters pertaining to enlisted personnel; enforces the implementation of established policies and standards as they pertain to enlisted personnel within the command; provides counsel and guidance to the NCOs and other enlisted Soldiers of the command; manages the daily activities and operations of the unit; provides advice and makes recommendations to the commander and staff on all matters pertaining to enlisted soldiers and their families; accompanies the commander on inspections, visits and ceremonies; assists in inspection of command activities, facilities and personnel as prescribed by the commander; ensures adherence to command policies; holds First Sergeants' or Sergeants' Major call to announce information and instruction; ensures that newly assigned enlisted personnel are instructed in military courtesy, customs of the service and command regulations or policies; responsible for monitoring training or conducts training of enlisted soldiers; assesses training at all levels and provides feedback to appropriate commanders and leaders; provides counsel and guidance to NCOs and other enlisted soldiers of the command; responsible for and provides guidance on Non-Commissioned Officer Education System (NCOES) and Non-Commissioned Officer Development Program (NCODP); inspects duties performed by subordinate NCOs; notes discrepancies and initiates appropriate corrective action; assists in reception of visitors to the command; serves as president or member of command promotion board or removal board for NCOs, as authorized by regulations; sits as chairperson or member of a command's Military Member of the Quarter/Year competition for enlisted soldiers or NCOs, as directed by local regulations; responsible for quality, control and training of noncommissioned officer evaluation reports (NCOER) while ensuring timely submissions; reviews evaluation reports to determine compliance with policies and procedures and recommends corrective actions on deficiencies to commanders, other leaders and rating officials; performs other duties prescribed by the commander; assists in the professional development of junior and company grade officer.

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