Examines and diagnoses pathologic conditions of the oral and paraoral tissues and structures. Directs oral and maxillofacial pathology service.
Same as junior tasks.
Determines nature and extent of oral diseases and abnormal growths. Conducts gross and microscopic examinations of oral, maxillofacial and paraoral tissues and structures. Determines types of tests or examinations and evaluates results to diagnose the nature and progress of diseases. Provides consultation services. Serves as member of local hospital boards and committees appropriate to specialty. Directs oral and maxillofacial pathology service. Formulates and implements procedures for operation of oral and maxillofacial pathology service. Determines equipment, material, and personnel required to accomplish diagnostic tests and examination. Plans work schedules for laboratory personnel. Coordinates oral and maxillofacial pathology service with other dental and medical services. Instructs dental officers and laboratory personnel in oral and maxillofacial pathology procedures and techniques.
Same as junior tasks.