Navy Damage Controlman



Job Detail

Performs organizational and intermediate level maintenance and repair of damage control equipment and systems; plan, supervise, and perform tasks necessary for damage control, ship stability, preservation of watertight integrity, fire fighting, and chemical, biological and radiological (CBR) warfare defense. Instruct and coordinate damage control parties; instruct personnel in the techniques of damage control and CBR defense; supervise and perform tasks in procurement and issuance of supplies and repair parts; prepare records and reports.

E4-E6; Able to perform the duties required for E1-E3; Performs organizational and intermediate level maintenance and repair of damage control equipment and systems; plan, supervise, and perform tasks necessary for damage control and ship stability.

E1-E3; Stands engineering watches; clean engineering spaces and equipment; make minor repairs to engineering equipment; record readings of gages; participate in general drills; function as a member of a fire fighting team; and performs general detail duties.

E7-E9; Able to perform the duties required for E4-E6; Plans and conducts damage control exercises; maintains records and prepares progress reports; supervises training programs; estimates time, personnel, and material requirements.

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