Navy Gas Turbine Systems Technician, Mechanical



Job Detail

Operate, repair, and perform organizational and intermediate maintenance on mechanical components of gas turbine engines, main propulsion machinery (including gears, shafts, and controllable pitch propellers), assigned auxiliary equipment and propulsion control systems.

E7 only, coverts to GSCS at E8 rank; able to perform the duties required for E4-E6; Able to perform the duties required for GSM1; reviews automated alarm data logs and ship-to-shore maintenance progress reports; updates engineer's bell logs.

E1-E3; Stands engineering watches; clean engineering spaces and equipment; make minor repairs to engineering equipment; record readings of gages; participate in general drills; function as a member of a fire fighting team; and performs general detail duties.

E4-E6; Able to perform the duties required for E1-E3; Aligns Low Pressure Air Compressors (LPAC) and oil tanks; analyzes fuel oil samples; conducts inlet and module preservation; determines fuel tank levels; disposes of hazardous material; estimates fuel consumption rates.

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