Navy URL - Surface Warfare


1117 MOS

Job Detail

An Unrestricted Line Officer who is qualified in Surface Warfare. Surface Warfare Officers are involved in virtually every aspect of Navy missions. Antisubmarine warfare, antiair warfare, anti-surface warfare, land attack, theatre air missile defense, support for Marine Corps and Navy Special Warfare (SEAL) missions, communications, damage control, and shipboard management all rely on the knowledge and expertise of Officers in the Surface Warfare community. An officer of the Naval Reserve on active duty in the FTS Program (Full Time Support) [Includes officers of the FTS Program rotated to other than FTS billets].

Prepares and executes budget for supplies and personnel support equipment (PSE); acts as custodian of all non-appropriated billeting funds and the billeting funds property; administers commercial contracts in BQ. Identifies BQ facility requirements.

Department Head Afloat (Small, Medium). Officer-in-Charge (Ashore/Deployed). Engineering Officer (Afloat)

Commanding Officer/Executive Officer (Afloat/Ashore); Department Head Afloat (Large)

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