Navy URL - Aviation


1300 MOS

Job Detail

An Unrestricted Line Officer who is a member of the aeronautical community and whose rating as a pilot or NFO has been terminated. (These officers may be assigned to 1000, 1050, 1300, 1310 or 1320 designated billets, if otherwise qualified.) An officer of the Regular Navy whose permanent status is Ensign or above.

(O1-O3) Operate aircraft including carrier-based jets, land-based patrol and reconnaissance aircraft, transport planes and sea and land-based helicopters. Assist antisubmarine warfare and mine countermeasures, as well as search and rescue operations.

(O4-O6) Directs operations of aviation unit or aviation detachment of major activity. Ensures compliance with policies, directives, regulations and instructions received from parent activity or other authority. Supervises training requirements.


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