Army Forward Area Alerting Radar Crewman



Job Detail

Supervises or serves as member of defense acquisition radar section or forward area alerting radar unit.

Assists in supervising or evaluating or supervises operations and intelligence functions in air defense artillery unit; supervises operations of airspace control element; supervises operator maintenance of assigned equipment; supervises and evaluates conduct of training; prepares operations plans and SOPs; assists in design of ADA defenses and in conduct of reconnaissance, selection, and occupation of position (RSOP); supervises installation and operation of AADCP; must be able to perform the duties of MOSC 16T50 or the 4 skill level of other MOS in CMF 16; supervises operations or intelligence functions in air defense artillery battalion or higher level unit; serves as principal NCO of air defense artillery battery or as detachment sergeant of artillery warhead support detachment; assists in appraisal of air defense artillery (ADA) operations, training, and intelligence situations; assists in establishment and operation of Army Air Defense Command Post (AADCP) and employment of ADA in surface role; applies knowledge of capabilities and limitations of ADA weapons, command and control systems, and radar systems; supervises activities in AADCP to include tests of communications facilities and preparation of operations board, tactical action board, early warning board, status board, situation map, journals, and logs; collects, interprets, evaluates, and disseminates intelligence information and data; prepares and edits ADA operations, training, intelligence, and equipment status material; conducts and evaluates AADCP crew training; supervises and assists in designing ADA defenses; assists in preparation for, coordinates, and supervises emplacement and march order operations; interprets and supervises execution of battery policy and SOP; assists in planning coordinating, and supervising all activities that support the battery mission; performs principal noncommissioned officer duties associated with SQI M.

Must be able to perform the duties of MOSC 16T50 or the 4 skill level of other MOS in CMF 16; supervises operations or intelligence functions in air defense artillery battalion or higher level unit; serves as principal NCO of air defense artillery battery or as detachment sergeant of artillery warhead support detachment; assists in appraisal of air defense artillery (ADA) operations, training, and intelligence situations; assists in establishment and operation of Army Air Defense Command Post (AADCP) and employment of ADA in surface role; applies knowledge of capabilities and limitations of ADA weapons, command and control systems, and radar systems; supervises activities in AADCP to include tests of communications facilities and preparation of operations board, tactical action board, early warning board, status board, situation map, journals, and logs; collects, interprets, evaluates, and disseminates intelligence information and data; prepares and edits ADA operations, training, intelligence, and equipment status material; conducts and evaluates AADCP crew training; supervises and assists in designing ADA defenses; assists in preparation for, coordinates, and supervises emplacement and march order operations; interprets and supervises execution of battery policy and SOP; assists in planning coordinating, and supervising all activities that support the battery mission; performs principal noncommissioned officer duties associated with SQI M; provides advice and makes, recommendations to the commander aid staff on all matters pertain to enlisted personnel and their families; accompanies the commander on inspections and visits and at ceremonies; assists in inspection of command activities facilities aid personnel as prescribed by the commander; holds First Sergeants' or Sergeants' Major call to announce information and instructions; insures that newly assigned enlisted personnel are instructed in military courtesy, customs, of the service, and command regulations or policies; provides counsel and guidance to NCOs and other enlisted personnel of the command; inspects duties performed by subordinate NCOs; notes discrepancies and initiates appropriate corrective action; assists in reception of visitors to the command; sits as president or, member of command promotion board for NCOs, as authorized by regulations; performs other duties prescribed by, the commander.

Operates defense acquisition or forward area alerting radar; operates radars and IFF equipment to obtain early warning and target identification data; adjusts radar displays to achieve optimum operating performance; orients and collimates radar equipment; observes, tracks, and interprets targets or other objects using radar scope; reads topographic maps and locates points by means of coordinates on grid sheet or map; prepares grid overlays for plan position indicator scopes; recognizes various types of electronic countermeasures and employs countermeasures; tracks through nominal amount of interference, such as jamming signals and fixed echoes; prepares operations operator maintenance on defense acquisition and records and equipment performance records; performs forward area alerting radars; IFF equipment, and equipment; applies knowledge of safety in with high voltage; utilizes special mechanical electronic test equipment to assure proper radar operation and maintenance; participates in march order and emplacement of radars; and associated equipment; installs and operates communication equipment; operates power generating equipment and organic vehicles; operates defense acquisition or forwarding area alert radar; performs duties shown in preceding level of skill and provides technical guidance to lower grade personnel in accomplishment of these duties; supervises operation of defense acquisition radar section or forward area alerting radar section; supervises operations and training of radar crews; applies knowledge of characteristics, limitations, and use of radars and related equipment; interprets and utilizes intelligence information; directs transmission of aircraft plots through ADA intelligence service to ADA operations center or directly to fire units; supervises preparation of operations records and equipment performance records; supervises operation maintenance of radar and related equipment.

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