Army Parachute Rigger



Job Detail

Supervises or packs and repairs cargo and personnel parachutes, and rigs equipment and supply containers for airdrop.

Packs and repairs cargo and personnel parachutes, and rigs equipment and supply containers for airdrop and performs quality assurance inspections; supervises small and medium size activities engaged in packing and repair of parachutes and rigging, and loading supplies and equipment for airdrop.

Perform duties of MOS 76P, 76V, 76X, 76Y, or 43M at the 4 skill level or 43E, 57E, 57F; or 76J at the 5 skill level; serve as principal NCO of supply and service operations; perform principal NCO duties associated with SQI M; supervise operation of organizations performing supply and related service operations such as laundry, bath, graves registration, decontamination, transportation, property disposal, commissary operations, and resupply by airdrop; supervise open and covered storage, receiving, classification, issue, materials handling, supply locator systems, facility safety, and supply security operations; supervise management of materiel support functions in stock control and accounting, procurement, inventory control, and item financial management; supervise development and preparation of operations information, plans, maps, sketches, overlays, and related data to employ supply and service organizations; analyze reports on supply and service support operations; assist in development of PLLs, authorized stockage lists, repair parts supply procedures, and other administrative and managerial supply procedures; contribute to staff development and operations of supply support data systems, equipment review, salvage and repair parts supply procedures, and maintenance support systems; assist in development of troop basis; assist in selection of supply and service units for support of forces, areas, and special operations; supervise preparation of orders, operating instructions, reports, and related technical materials; advise on supply and service matters; perform liaison between staff and supported personnel to improve effectiveness of support activities; the CSM executes established policies and standards pertaining to performance, care, conduct, appearance, personnel management, and training of enlisted personnel; provides advice and makes recommendations to the commander and staff on all matters pertaining to enlisted personnel and their families; accompanies the commander on inspections and visits and at ceremonies; assists in inspection of command activities facilities and personnel-as prescribed by the commander; holds First Sergeants or Sergeants Major call to announce information and instructions; insures that newly assigned enlisted personnel are instructed in military courtesy, customs of the service, and command regulations or policies; provides counsel and guidance to NCOs and other enlisted personnel of the command; inspects duties performed by subordinate NCOs; notes discrepancies and initiates appropriate corrective action; assists in reception of visitors to the command; sits as president or member of command promotion board for NCOs, as authorized by regulations; performs other duties prescribed by the commander.

Supervises large activities engaged in packing and repair of parachutes and rigging, and loading of supplies and equipment for airdrop; serves as principal NCO in quartermaster airdrop equipment support company.

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