Marine Corps Information Management Officer


9985 MOS

Job Detail

Information management officer serves in selected billets that assist commanders in gaining knowledge and situational awareness to support the decision-making process. IMO assists the primary staff in the development and coordination of knowledge used to enable the command and control function across the MAGTF.

The IMO serves to coordinate processes between staff sections ensuring accurate and focused information are delivered in a timely manner. The IMO uses commander's critical information requirements, report matrices, and request for information procedures, along with collaborative planning tools (such as internet/intranet web sites, knowledge portals, chat, video teleconferencing and email) to ensure information is translated into focused knowledge that facilitates decision-making. They assist the commander to understand the unit's information requirements and the capabilities and limitations of the tools available to implement the Information Dissemination Plan. They interact with subordinate commanders and staff officers throughout the command and across the war fighting functions (intelligence, fires, maneuver, logistics, C2, and force protection). The IMO must understand the demands and procedures of their organizations in addition to the capabilities of the technological tools used in information management.

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