Air Force Logistics Deputy Group Commander


20C0 MOS

Job Detail

Directs and monitors logistics programs including supply, transportation, procurement, and maintenance activities; and serves as senior staff adviser to commanders.

Directs and organizes logistics programs. Reviews logistics requirements for specific objectives and priorities of command mission. Directs preparation of plans for logistics support of tactical, strategic, and defense missions. Plans research projects to determine effectiveness of logistics support programs. Plans and establishes logistics policies and procedures; exercises staff supervision over logistics activities to assure logistics support of Air Force mission requirements. Provides for applied research in areas of technological development, recommending modification of existing equipment and outlining need for developing new equipment. Reviews operation operating budget requirements of logistics activities and directs consolidation of logistics budget. Reviews applicable stock fund operating programs, and where appropriate, directs their consolidation. Monitors logistics activities. Analyzes logistics requirements and estimates capabilities of organization to accomplish assigned missions. Approves fund expenditures for supplies and equipment. Inspects operating condition of facilities and effectiveness of logistics activities to support logistics programs and ensure coordination between such activities. Evaluates logistics programs, establishes responsibilities, estimates trends, and projects requirements and capabilities of activities such as supply, maintenance, transportation, and procurement. Prepares technical publications on logistics methods, procedures, and policies. Directs operation of maintenance and supply organizations. Coordinates logistics programs. Advises commanders on status of logistics programs and ability to meet current and projected requirements. Coordinates with civil engineering personnel, operations directors, and comptrollers in preparation of master command plan and in outlining areas of responsibility to avoid duplication of functions. Confers with commanders and staff on activities such as maintenance, supply, transportation, and procurement to establish and implement logistics programs, policies, and procedures. Coordinates with comptroller activities in projecting budget requirements and allocating funds to logistics programs. Maintains liaison with research and development activities, military services, and public and private agencies on logistics changes.

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