Supervises or transfers cargo to and from water, land and air transports by manual and mechanical methods.
Must be able to supervise personnel performing duties of Motor Transport Operator (64C40); Traffic Management Coordinator (71N40); or Terminal Operations Coordinator (57H40); serves as principal NCO in transportation company or comparable organization; operations section of transportation battalion or higher level headquarters; transportation special staff section in division or higher level headquarters; or movement control office; prepares, reproduces and distributes operation reports; edits and prepares tactical plans and training material; assists in coordination and implementation of operations, training programs, administrative matters and communication activities; maintains records of strength, location and employment of subordinate transportation activities; coordinates transportation activities with subordinate and serviced activities; assists in providing staff supervision, policy and guidance relating to movements of personnel and cargo by air, rail, motor transport and water; consolidates, prepares reviews and processes regular and special reports of command transportation activities; performs principal noncommissioned officer duties associates with SQI M; provides advice and makes, recommendations to the commander aid staff on all matters pertain to enlisted personnel and their families; accompanies the commander on inspections and visits and at ceremonies; assists in inspection of command activities facilities aid personnel as prescribed by the commander; holds First Sergeants' or Sergeants' Major call to announce information and instructions; insures that newly assigned enlisted personnel are instructed in military courtesy, customs, of the service, and command regulations or policies; provides counsel and guidance to NCOs and other enlisted personnel of the command; inspects duties performed by subordinate NCOs; notes discrepancies and initiates appropriate corrective action; assists in reception of visitors to the command; sits as president or, member of command promotion board for NCOs, as authorized by regulations; performs other duties prescribed by the commander.
Loads and unloads supplies and equipment from ships, docks, beaches, boxcars, aircraft, and warehouses and checks and tallies cargo; transfers cargo by manual and mechanical methods; attaches slings, nets or hooks on cargo; palletizes and stacks cargo; employs pallets, spreaders, lifting bars, and other gear according to type of cargo handled and made of transport used; stows, shores sheaths, and braces cargo; employs safety procedures; operates winches, hoists and associated cargo-handling equipment; signals winchman, hoistman, or cargo equipment operator where to move cargo; checks cargo against bills of lading, manifests, and hatch tallies; positions and rigs booms, safety nets and hooks; supervises checking of cargo or hatch operations; assigns cargo checkers; reviews tally sheets prepared by checkers, to include comparison with other documents to detect errors or irregularities; participates in tallying of cargo; observes condition of cargo and reports spoiled or damaged cargo; assigns cargo handlers, signalmen and winchmen to duty station; supervises and participates in rigging and positioning of booms and cargo nets and hooks; observes cargo handling operations and instructs subordinates in proper techniques and procedures; enforces safety practices; supervises medium size terminal operation work force; plans and organizes terminal operation work schedules; assigns duties to subordinate personnel; employs stowage plans, loading plans, manifests, documentation forms, reports and other cargo handling forms; demonstrates use of various types of gear and assists in solving difficult rigging and bracing problems; advises on handling of all types of cargo, including heavy lifts, cargo of unusual dimensions and dangerous bulk and liquid cargo; inspects stowage area and determines order of cargo handling and stowage operations; reports errors or irregularities noted by checkers; coordinates procurement, assignment and use of heavy lift equipment and other special terminal operations; gear; supervises storage, maintenance and issue of materials handling equipment, nets, slings, rope, cables, wire and other cargo handling gear; spot checks terminal operations to insure proper adherence to safety procedures; applies knowledge and limitations of subordinate personnel in adjusting work assignments; requisitions; issues, stores and maintains records of supplies and equipment; reviews, consolidates, and prepares technical, personnel and administrative reports covering unit activities.
Supervises large size terminal operation work force; performs duties in preceding level of skill; must be able to supervise personnel performing duties of Motor Transport Operator (64C40); Traffic Management Coordinator (71N40); or Terminal Operations Coordinator (57H40); serves as principal NCO in transportation company or comparable organization; operations section of transportation battalion or higher level headquarters; transportation special staff section in division or higher level headquarters; or movement control office; pre-pares, reproduces and distributes operation reports; edits and prepares tactical plans and training material; assists in coordination and implementation of operations, training programs, administrative matters and communication activities; maintains records of strength, location and employment of subordinate transportation activities; coordinates transportation activities with subordinate and serviced activities; assists in providing staff supervision, policy and guidance relating to movements of personnel and cargo by air, rail, motor transport and water; consolidates, prepares reviews and processes regular and special reports of command transportation activities; performs principal noncommissioned officer duties associates with SQI M.