Air Force Band


35B4 MOS

Job Detail

Administers, manages, and directs Air Force band programs, including procurement and training of band directors and band personnel. Monitors use of bands, including scheduling and performances of band units and sub- units.

Formulates band policies. Analyzes requirements for Air Force bands. Reviews public laws and directives to determine impact on band programs. Formulates policies bands and band personnel participating in public events, honors, and ceremonies. Monitors use and administration of Air Force bands to meet objectives. Directs budget preparation and justification of funds required to support band programs. Determines requirements and monitors programs to obtain band equipment, supplies, and facilities. Determines band personnel requirements, and develops plans and programs for the training, career development, and assignment of personnel. Coordinates band activities. Coordinates with manpower, comptroller, and personnel in planning band activities. Coordinates with public affairs activities to ensure band performances conform to policy requirements. Provides technical information and advice to the commander and staff on capabilities, limitations, and employment of bands and band personnel. Maintains liaison with music associations, publishers, manufacturers, educators, and professional tradesmen and musicians to ensure bands have access to state-of-the-art materials. Coordinates band activities with inter-service and other governmental agencies. Monitors and directs band activities. Monitors band programs to ensure compliance with directives and effectiveness of administration. Directs operation of bands in military and civilian performances, including parades, ceremonies, and concerts. Auditions and tests technical qualifications of newly assigned and potential band directors and band personnel. Directs organization and training of band units and sub-units. Monitors personnel management, operational procedures, and technical performance of bands. Establishes and directs equipment maintenance programs.

a minimum of 9 months of experience is mandatory in band assignments. It is mandatory that experience include performance with a marching and concert band.

Tasks are the same as junior tasks

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