Air Force Public Affairs



Job Detail

Plans, budgets for, executes, and evaluates effectiveness of public affairs programs. Trains full- time public affairs specialists and additional duty unit public affairs representatives; and provides public affairs advice, counsel, and support for commanders and senior staff people.

Analyzes military mission, unit policies, and relationship with population of local communities to determine requirements for communication. Develops working relationship with media representatives. Develops and maintains liaison with representatives of civilian organizations, governmental agencies, Reserve and active duty units, and other publics. Develops plans and operational procedures for communication about aircraft and missile accidents, natural disasters, environmental incidents, and other spot news events concerning Air Force activities. Plans communication programs to ensure military and civilian members are informed about current issues and policies of the local installation, major command, and Headquarters United States Air Force. Schedules and assigns personnel to arrange photographic coverage of events in which Air Force personnel participate. Directs program activity of Armed Force Radio and Television Service squadron, detachment, or network to ensure a balanced and suitable program. Directs operation of base newspapers, unit Commander's Calls, base cable TV access channels, speaker programs, base tours, public affairs airlift, and orientation flights. Directs the public affairs aspect of open houses, air shows and instructs personnel in techniques, philosophy, and importance of public affairs activities. Directs preparation of graphic and narrative presentations. Initiates programs to earn community respect and confidence. Supervises operation of Armed Forces Radio and Television networks and individual stations for internal information purposes. Coordinates with appropriate agencies prior to contacting and releasing information to representatives of news media on conditions that might result in favorable or unfavorable public reaction, including releases and public statements involving news of national interest. Coordinates with other agencies to ensure Air Force military and civilian personnel are aware of their public affairs obligations to the American people. Prepares public affairs annexes to operations plans. Conducts public affairs briefings for military personnel engaged in operations involving direct contact with public and representatives of communications media. Plans, coordinates, and operates activities involving bands, displays, and exhibits for civilian groups. Prepares or supervises preparation of information relative to unit participation in military operations, world events, environmental matters, and national and local affairs, through news releases, special activities, photographs, radio and television programs, and other informational material. Assists representatives of news media in obtaining material about Air Force. Schedules and conducts news interviews and news media conferences. Reviews materials such as speeches, news articles, and radio and television shows for security, invasion of privacy, propriety and suitability, and integration with overall programs and objectives of the Air Force. Determines appropriate topics and modes of presentation for radio and television programs, films and videotapes, and prepares script and scenario outlines. Develops plans and formulates policies to ensure public interest, attitudes, and reactions are determined and considered by personnel managing Air Force activities. Plans communication strategies to correct misunderstandings, problems, or friction that may develop.

a minimum of 12 months of experience in public affairs assignments is mandatory. Experience must include preparation or directing preparation of news releases; daily working relationships with civilian news media representatives; frequent contact with local government and community leaders; participation in staff planning, programs, or communication and dialogue with Air Force members and civilian employees; public speaking; or military briefings.

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