Army Vulcan Crewmember



Job Detail

Supervises or serves as a crewmember in a VULCAN fire unit or platoon.

Prepares and assists in firing VULCAN anti-aircraft gun; prepares and fires VULCAN antiaircraft gun; leads VULCAN squad.

The ADA senior sergeant supervises operations or intelligence activities in air defense artillery battalion or higher unit, or serves as principal NCO in air defense artillery battery; in addition, SADA senior sergeants (MOSC 16Z50) must be able to perform the duties of the 4 skill level of MOSs in CMF 16; supervise operations or intelligence functions in air defense artillery battalion or higher level unit; serve as principal NCO of air defense artillery battery or as detachment sergeant of artillery warhead support detachment; provides advice and makes recommendations to the commander and staff on all matters pertaining to enlisted personnel and their families; accompanies the commander on inspections and visits and at ceremonies; assists in inspection of command activities facilities and personnel as prescribed by the commander; holds First Sergeants' or Sergeants' Major call to announce information and instructions; insures that newly assigned enlisted personnel are instructed in military courtesy, customs of the service, and command regulations or policies; provides counsel and guidance to NCOs and other enlisted personnel of the command; inspects duties performed by subordinate NCOs; notes discrepancies and initiates appropriate corrective action; assists in reception of visitors to the command; sits as president or member of command promotion board for NCOs, as authorized by regulations; performs other duties prescribed by the commander.

Supervises operations of the VULCAN platoon; serves as PATRIOT System Evaluator; provides technical expertise to the battalion staff and firing batteries; serves as maintenance chief in a PFASC and forward support elements; applies knowledge of capabilities and limitations of the weapon, command and control system and radar system; assists in planning, organization, and training operations.

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