Air Force Planning & Programming


16R3 MOS

Job Detail

Develops and writes Air Force, joint services, and combined plans, programs, and policies (numbered Air Force and above). Services multi-functional areas of responsibilities to satisfy mission objectives and does not include duties involving a single functional area such as logistics, operations, finance, and so forth.

Develops and writes Air Force, joint services, and combined plans. Executes planning process based on defense guidance, and HQ USAF, major command, or joint services organization policies, directives, and procedures. Develops assumptions upon which the planning process is constrained. Develops plans that are responsive to Air Force doctrine and war-fighting capability. Coordinates plans between staff agencies to ensure a coherent planning effort. Programs resource allocation according to the Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System. Executes programming actions based on guidance provided from major commands, joint activities, or Department of Defense. Analyzes impact of programming decisions on war-fighting capabilities. Coordinates programming actions to facilitate issue resolution and ensure timely completion.

Same as junior tasks.

Same as junior tasks.

MOS with Similar Name
MOS with Similar Code