Air Force Missile and Space Systems Electronics Maintenance


2M031 MOS

Job Detail

Maintains, operates, and supervises maintenance on ground and air missiles, spacelift boosters, payloads, guidance and control systems, and subsystems. Monitors, analyzes, and compiles system performance data. Performs and supervises maintenance on automated and manual electronic test, launch control, checkout, and support equipment (SE). Designs and supervises assembly, calibration, operation, troubleshooting, and testing of research and development (R&D) systems and SE. Shredouts: A ICBM B ALCM

See collateral duty

Monitors, operates, and supervises operation of consoles, fault display panels, and checkout equipment. Monitors status of missiles,, spacelift boosters, payloads, subsystems, and SE. Operates or oversees checkout and test equipment operation. Supervises and performs missile, spacelift booster, and payload systems maintenance and launch processing. Directs and controls activities of contractor personnel during space launch activities. Operates, calibrates, inspects, maintains, or oversees these actions on missiles, missile and aircraft integration systems, aerospace vehicle equipment, operational ground equipment, automated and manual test equipment, spacelift boosters, and payloads. Diagnoses flight data gathered during operational and test launches. Performs intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) coding activities. Performs or assists malfunction analysis and repair of missile, spacelift booster, and payload systems and subsystems. Determines system status. Operates or supervises operation of automated and manual test and checkout equipment. Disassembles, inspects, services, and replaces components and wiring. Modifies and repairs airframe and surfaces. Reassembles and verifies repairs, or supervises these actions on electronic components of missiles, spacelift boosters, and payloads. Maintains technical orders and publication files. Records findings. Performs or supervises maintenance on electronic equipment, and coordinates launch processing and maintenance activities. Performs or supervises electronic equipment maintenance. Uses or monitors use of manual and automatic checkout and test equipment to check integrated missile, spacelift booster, payload systems, subsystems, and related electronic equipment. Performs laboratory R&D activities. Assembles, maintains, and operates specialized R&D systems such as laser, electromagnetic launcher, energetic materials, propulsion, composites, optical, satellite, space structures and power, and telescope. Collects and analyzes R&D test data. Designs, maintains, modifies and operates support equipment such as data acquisition devices, fiber optic, instrumentation, vacuum systems and environmental control systems.

Experience in functions such as maintaining or operating missiles, spacelift boosters. Also, experience performing or supervising missile maintenance, spacelift, or R&D activities.

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