Air Force Space and Missile Operations


13S1 MOS

Job Detail

Operates and manages space and missile operations systems. The systems include surveillance, intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) launch, spacelift, space warning, and satellite command and control (C2). Performs associated battle management, command, control, and communications activities to defend and support the United States and allied forces. Serves as space and missile operations advisor.

Formulates space and missile operations policies. Develops policies and procedures for current and future space and missile systems. Builds future plans, requirements, concepts, directives, and exercises for operational employment of systems and facilities. Establishes organizational structure, and determines personnel required to support mission areas. Establishes training requirements and performance standards for all systems. Recommends priorities for personnel allocation. Coordinates space and missile operations activities. Coordinates with national and international space agencies on ICBM, space, and satellite launching; and space warning, tracking, control, and cataloging activities. Coordinates space systems network; launch and range control operations interfaces; and mathematical orbital analysis methodology activities with space system agencies. Correlates flow of information and interchange of techniques among sensors and C2 facilities. Advises commanders and staff on capability of offensive and defensive units to meet operational requirements, and on matters for operational effectiveness, combat readiness, organization, and training. Coordinates operations activities, plans, and programs to ensure adequate resources in preparing operations orders and to accomplish assigned mission. Plans, organizes, and directs space and missile operations programs. Directs unit space and missile operations activities. Reviews command mission for priorities and specific objectives. Directs preparation and management of budget estimates and financial plans based on operational requirements and resources. Observes, conducts, and evaluates effectiveness of space systems and missile weapon systems training, standardization, and evaluation programs. Inspects space and missile activities and units for compliance with directives and standardized procedures. Conducts nuclear and emergency war order training for combat crew members. Writes nuclear and space annexes to operation plans. Provides guidance on proper use and care of sensitive materials. Conducts space and missile operations activities, including satellite health and status; launch, early orbit, and on orbit testing; contingency operations; orbital analysis and surveillance; space warning; spacelift booster and payload processing; and dissemination of space and missile situation data to all users. Operates and controls space and missile operations. Performs missile combat crew operations. Maintains readiness to execute, then launches ICBMs, applies current directives for targeting, execution, and positive control of ICBMs. Initiates, advises, and controls space and missile combat crew operations. Controls storage and issue of positive control, authentication materials, and code components. Inserts and verifies launch codes in missile components. Serves as duty controller in space and missile command posts. Performs satellite position predictions, satellite maneuver planning, orbital analysis, and space based object position. Catalogs foreign and domestic space objects, detects continental United States impacting ballistic missile threats, and provides assessment to national military command authorities. Performs spacelift operations, including range control and safety, flight control, and launch processing activities. Performs satellite operations, including launch and early orbit activities, and satellite and payload telemetry analysis and commanding. Controls ground systems networks to support military satellite programs. Oversees contractor personnel in all missions areas.

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