Army Armor Crewman



Job Detail

Commands and controls or serves as member of individual land or amphibious tank crew.

Must know rudiments of land and amphibious tank driving and be able to drive armored combat vehicles, assist in performance of vehicular crew maintenance; must know rudiments of tank gunnery and be able to assist in performance of tank weapons first echelon maintenance; must know use of maps, photographs, and compass; must know visual signals used in armor and amphibious operations; must know principles of field sanitation; must know land and amphibious tank crew drill; must know individual protective measures and safety precautions applicable to land and amphibious tank operations; must be able to identify, stow, and maintain all types of land and amphibious tank ammunition; must be able to load land and amphibious tank weapons and prepare ammunition for firing; must be able to assist in reducing weapons malfunctions; must be able to operate and perform first echelon maintenance on communications equipment organic to land and amphibious tanks and armored combat vehicles; must be able to employ proper radio-telephone procedures and terminology, security measures, and defense against electronic jamming; must be able to identify enemy personnel, weapons, and equipment; must be able to report combat information; must be able to construct field fortifications utilizing principles of camouflage, cover and concealment; must be able, under command supervision, to employ demolitions and to lay and remove mines; must be able to administer first aid; must know techniques of loading land tanks and loading and launching amphibious tanks and other amphibious or armored combat vehicles; must know capabilities and limitations of land tanks and amphibious tanks and armored combat vehicles to enable proper selections of routes, assembly and bivouac areas, and attack, and firing positions; must know organizational procedures, protective measures, and safety precautions pertaining to operation, maintenance, and resupply of land and amphibious tanks; must know combat formations and techniques of armor marches; must know fundamentals of vehicle preventive maintenance and first echelon maintenance; must know techniques of abandoning and recovering land and amphibious tanks on armored combat vehicles; must know nomenclature, operation, assembly, disassembly, functioning, and servicing of land and amphibious tank or armored combat vehicle weapons; must know techniques of range determination and be able to prepare and use range cards; must know techniques of fire adjustment; must know techniques of clearing misfires; must know characteristics and effects of various types of tank gun and howitzer ammunition and tank employed missiles; must know fundamentals of air-ground operations and procedures; must know organization of armored land and amphibious tank battalions; must know general drafting techniques; must know military signs and symbols; must know fundamentals of armor operations staff techniques and procedures; must be able to report targets and other combat information; must be able to drive land tanks and other armored vehicles over open roads and cross-country terrain; must be able to drive amphibious tanks and other amphibious armored vehicles over land, marshy or flooded areas, in heavy surf, and under varied conditions including rocky shores and reefs, during administrative or tactical conditions; must be able to decontaminate land and amphibious tanks; must be able to stow and maintain on vehicle material; must be able to operate organic land and amphibious tank or armored combat vehicles, gun or howitzer breech, and firing mechanisms to deliver accurate fire from land or water; must be able to recognize enemy personnel and materiel; must be able to perform first echelon maintenance on fire control, gunnery, and guidance control equipment of land and amphibious tanks, or armored combat vehicles; must be able to prepare and maintain operations maps and overlays; must be able to utilize training literature and training aids.

Must be qualified as Armor Crewman (11E40); must know organization, function, and mission of special staff section of armor unit to which assigned and of staff section in comparable and higher organizational elements; as First Sergeant must know tactical mission, responsibilities, and operations of company to which assigned; must know techniques and tactics pertaining to unit defense; must know operation of unit command post; must know unit mission; must know basic military subjects including drill and parade formations, field sanitation, operation and administration of field mess and supply, selection of bivouac areas, and use of unit weapons; must know preparation of unit correspondence, orders, schedules, duty roster, and similar reports; must possess high degree of leadership ability by demonstrating initiative, vigor, aggressiveness, courage, willpower, decisiveness, self-confidence, skill in leading men and directing group activities to common goal; must demonstrate qualities which indicate strong sense of devotion to duty; must know organization, function, and mission of armored division general staff section and of armor section at Army or comparable headquarters; as Sergeant Major must know operation of tank or armored amphibious battalion, group, combat command, or division command posts; must know Army chain of command and lines of communications; must know publications and directives, and format of Army correspondence; must know Army administrative and supply procedures; must know organization and operation of administrative message centers; must have demonstrated maturity and ability to attain respect of both officers and enlisted men in command, to degree that will distinguish first soldier; must be able to plan, coordinate, or assist operations staff officer in supervision of operations and training activities when assigned to operations section in battalions, group, combat command, and comparable headquarters; must be able to supervise and instruct subordinate personnel assigned to such activities; must be able to assist higher grade noncommissioned officers in supervision of operations activities when assigned to general staff section at division or higher headquarters; must be able to prepare operations directives, reports, and records; must be able to assist in planning, coordinating and supervising activities pertaining to organization, training, and tactical operations of unit to which assigned and subordinate elements; must be able to supervise and coordinate training of replacement personnel; must be able to interpret and supervise execution of unit commander's policy and unit standing operating procedures; must be able to plan, coordinate, and supervise activities pertaining to organization, training, and tactical and technical operations of these sections and subordinate units; must be able to understand and utilize tables of organization and equipment, and tables of distribution.

Must be qualified as Armor Crewman (11E20); must know tank-infantry tactics, armor operations, amphibious operations, amphibious or armored vehicles, combat formations, tactics, and reconnaissance; must know techniques of adjustment of tank fire; must know range determination and use of ranging equipment; must know land and amphibious tank communications operation and procedures; must know range determination and use of elementary dead reckoning when out of sight of land, or when known reference points are not visible; must know types and characteristics of beach obstacles, tank traps, and barriers; must be able to command and control land or amphibious tank, security section, or tank section, or tank platoon; must be able to identify and select targets; must be able to conduct technical and tactical training of land and amphibious tank crew, security section, or tank section; must be able to request and adjust mortar, artillery, and naval fire support; must be able to read marine charts; must be able to utilize maps, photographs, and aiming circle; must be able to supervise employment of demolitions and laying and removal of mines; must be able to advise on displacement and location of firing position; must be able to supervise first echelon maintenance of land amphibious tanks, weapons, and equipment; must be able to supervise conduct of tank fire, indirect fire support, and air-ground operations; must be able to supervise and train replacement personnel in armor and amphibious armor operations; must be able to assist in preparation of operations directives, reports, and records; must be qualified as Armor Crewman (11E40); must know organization, function, and mission of special staff section of armor unit to which assigned and of staff section in comparable and higher organizational elements; as First Sergeant must know tactical mission, responsibilities, and operations of company to which assigned; must know techniques and tactics pertaining to unit defense; must know operation of unit command post; must know unit mission; must know basic military subjects including drill and parade formations, field sanitation, operation and administration of field mess and supply, selection of bivouac areas, and use of unit weapons; must know preparation of unit correspondence, orders, schedules, duty roster, and similar reports; must possess high degree of leadership ability by demonstrating initiative, vigor, aggressiveness, courage, willpower, decisiveness, self-confidence, skill in leading men and directing group activities to common goal; must demonstrate qualities which indicate strong sense of devotion to duty; must know organization, function, and mission of armored division general staff section and of armor section at Army or comparable headquarters; as Sergeant Major must know operation of tank or armored amphibious battalion, group, combat command, or division command posts; must know Army chain of command and lines of communications; must know publications and directives, and format of Army correspondence; must know Army administrative and supply procedures; must know organization and operation of administrative message centers; must have demonstrated maturity and ability to attain respect of both officers and enlisted men in command, to degree that will distinguish first soldier; must be able to plan, coordinate, or assist operations staff officer in supervision of operations and training activities when assigned to operations section in battalions, group, combat command, and comparable headquarters; must be able to supervise and instruct subordinate personnel assigned to such activities; must be able to assist higher grade noncommissioned officers in supervision of operations activities when assigned to general staff section at division or higher headquarters; must be able to prepare operations directives, reports, and records; must be able to assist in planning, coordinating and supervising activities pertaining to orga

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