Navy RL - Aerospace Engineering Duty Officer - Aviation Maintenance


1527 MOS

Job Detail

AMDOs provide full time direction in the development, establishment, and implementation of maintenance and material management policies and procedures for the support of naval aircraft, airborne weapons, attendant systems and related support equipment. In addition to working in fleet maintenance organizations throughout the fleet, AMDOs are involved in all aspects of material acquisition and support as top-level Program Managers in NAVAIR and as Commanding Officers of the Naval Aviation Depots. An officer of the Naval Reserve on active duty in the FTS Program (Full Time Support) [Includes officers of the FTS Program rotated to other than FTS billets].

AMDOs provide full time direction in the development, establishment, and implementation of maintenance and material management policies and procedures for the support of naval aircraft, airborne weapons, attendant systems and related support equipment. In addition to working in fleet maintenance organizations throughout the fleet, AMDOs are involved in all aspects of material acquisition and support as top-level Program Managers in NAVAIR and as Commanding Officers of the Naval Aviation Depots.

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